
Past Events

RIHN Forums

The RIHN Forum is usually held at the Kyoto International Conference Center and is open to the general public. Since 2004 the proceedings were published as books intended for a general audience.

RIHN Public Seminars

Held almost monthly on-site at RIHN.

RIHN Regional Community Seminars

RIHN Regional Community Seminars take place in, and address specific environmental issues pertaining to, a particular part of Japan.

RIHN International Symposia

RIHN International symposia are held in English and allow a range of experts to discuss pressing environmental subjects.

RIHN Seminars

RIHN invites a range of speakers from abroad to share their expertise with the RIHN community.


Past Topics

  1. ・2022
  2. ・2021
  3. ・2020
  4. ・2019
  5. ・2018
  6. ・2017
  7. ・2016
  8. ・2015
  9. ・2014
  10. ・2013
  11. ・2012
  12. ・2012 (until April 2012)
  13. ・2011
  14. ・2010
  15. ・2009
  16. ・2008

All Staffs

List of RIHN staff and alumni by their last position in alphabetical order.




This publication gives an overview of RIHN's philosophy, its organization, and the research activities in the various projects. Published annually, it is distributed to those requiring more specialized information about RIHN’s activities.

Annual Reports

【ISSN】 ONLINE:ISSN 1884-0620 PRINT:ISSN 1349-0591


RIHN News is a two-page (A4 size) bulletin compiled in English in order to provide our international community with recent RIHN research news and activities.

Publications (RIHN Series and RIHN Library)

The RIHN Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Studies (Japanese)

The RIHN Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Studies was published in 2010 to commemorate RIHN's 10th anniversary. The encyclopedia was designed and written in order to address the need for a single, systematic and comprehensive reference work describing RIHN's research in the field of global environmental studies.

RIHN Series

These books introduce RIHN's publications and the significance of research findings in academically simple terms.

RIHN Book Series

This series introduces the fruit of research findings by RIHN to the International science community.

RIHN Library

In these academic works, RIHN's researchers introduce the results of their research activities to a wider audience.

RIHN Science Series

RIHN researchers and projects also publish a variety of individual volumes on specific themes.

Other Achievements

RIHN researchers and projects also publish a variety of individual volumes on specific themes.

SEEDer (Japanese)

Other Materials (Leaflets)

Towards Environmental Humanics of the Earth System (Japanese version only)

These leaflets briefly introduce the contents of RIHN's research activities.