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  • Yamamura, N. Ecosystem Network as a socio-ecological system. In: The Mongolian Ecosystem Network. Springer, Tokyo (in press).

  • Yamamura, N., Kobayashi, Y., Ishii, R. and Saito, Y. A mathematical model of population shift between urban and rural areas. In: The Mongolian Ecosystem Network. Springer, Tokyo (in press).

  • Hsieh, C., Sakai, Y., Ban, S., Ishikawa, K., Ishikawa. T., Ichise, S.,Yamamura, N. and Kumagai, M. (2011) Eutrophication and warming effects on long-term variation of zooplankton in Lake Biwa. Aquatic Biogeosciences 8: 1383-1399.<PDF>

  • Yamamura, N., Telschow, A., Uchii, K. and Kawabata, Z. (2011) A basic equation for population dynamics with destruction of breeding habitats and its application to outbreak of cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3). Ecological Research 26: 181-189.<PDF>

  • Nakazawa, T., Kuwamura, M. and Yamamura, N. (2011) Implications of resting eggs of zooplankton for the paradox of enrichment. Population Ecology 53: 341-350.<PDF>

  • Hsieh, C., Ishikawa, K., Sakai, Y., Ishikawa, T., Ichise, S., Yamamoto, Y., Kuo, T. Park, H., Yamamura, N. and Kumagai, M. (2010) Phytoplankton community reorganization driven by eutrophication and warming in Lake Biwa. Aquatic Sciences 72: 467-483.<PDF>

  • Nakazawa, T., Sakai, Y., Hsieh, C., Koitabashi, T., Tayasu, I., Yamamura, N. and Okuda, N. (2010) Is The Relationship Between Body Size and Trophic Niche Position Time-Invariant in a Predatory Fish? First Stable Isotope Evidence. PLoS ONE 5: e9120.<PDF>

  • Saizen, I., Maekawa, A. and Yamamura, N. (2010) Spatial analysis of time-series changes in livestock distribution by detection of local spatial associations in Mongolia. Applied Geography 30: 639-649.<PDF>

  • Hironaga, R. and Yamamura, N. (2010) Effects of extinction on food web structures on an evolutionary time scale. Journal of Theoretical Biology 263: 161-168.<PDF>

  • Fujita, N., Amartuvshin, N., Yamada, Y., Matsui, K., Sakai, S. and Yamamura, N. (2009) Positive and negative effects of livestock grazing on plant diversity of Mongolian nomadic pasturelands along a slope with soil moisture gradient. Grassland Science 55: 126-134.<PDF>

  • Nakazawa, T., Ohgushi, T. and Yamamura, N. (2009) Food-dependent reproductive adjustment and stability of consumer-resource dynamics. Population Ecology 51: 105-113.<PDF>

  • Nakazawa, T. and Yamamura, N. (2009) Theoretical considerations for the maintenance of interspecific brood care by a Nicaraguan cichlid fish: Behavioral plasticity and spatial structure. Journal of Ethology 27: 67-73.<PDF>

  • Miki, T., Yokokawa, T., Nagata, T. and Yamamura, N. (2008) Immigration of prokaryotes to local environments enhances remineralization efficiency of sinking particles: a metacommunity model. Marine Ecology Progress Series 366: 1-14.<PDF>

  • Engelstädter J., A. Telschow, and N. Yamamura (2008) Coexistence of cytoplasmic incompatibility and male-killing inducing endosymbionts, and their impact on host gene flow. Theoretical Population Biology 73:125-133. <PDF>

  • MIki, T., M. Ueki, Z. Kawabata, and N. Yamamura (2007) Long-term dynamics of catabolic plasmids introduced to a microbial community in a polluted environment: mathematical model. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 62: 211-221.<PDF>

  • Kobayashi, Y. and N.Yamamura. (2007) Evolution of signal emission by uninfested plants to help nearby infested relatives. Evolutionary Ecology 21:281-294.<PDF>

  • Yamamura, N., N. Fujita, M. Hayashi, Y. Nakamura, and A. Yamauchi. (2007) Optimal phenology of annual plants under grazing pressure. Journal of Theoretical Biology 246: 530-537.<PDF>

  • Nakazawa, T., N. Ishida, M. Kato, and N. Yamamura. (2007) Larger body size with higher predation rate. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16: 362-372.<PDF>

  • Kobayashi, Y. and N.Yamamura. (2007) How to compute the effective size of spatiotemporally structured populations using separation of time scales. Theoretical Population Biology 71:174-181.<PDF>

  • Yamamura, N. (2007) Conditions under which plants help herbivores and benefit from predators through apparent competition. Ecology 88: 1593-1599.<PDF>

  • Nakazawa, T. and N. Yamamura. (2007) Breeding migration and population stability. Population Ecology 49: 101-113.

  • Yamamura, N. (2006) Relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across different scales. Ecological Research 21:1-2. <PDF>

  • Kobayashi,Y., N. Yamamura, and M. W. Sabelis. (2006) Evolution of talking plants in a tritrophic context: Conditions for uninfested plants to attract predators prior to herbivoreattack. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 243: 361-374. <PDF>

  • Nakazawa, T. and N. Yamamura. (2006) Community structure and stability analysis for intraguild interactions among host, parasitoid, and predator. Population Ecology. 48: 139-149. <PDF>

  • Telschow, A., Engelstter, A., Yamamura, N., Hammerstein, P. and Hurst, P. D. (2006) Asymmetric gene flow and constraints on adaptation caused by sex ratio. J. Evolutionary Biology. 19: 869-878. <PDF>

  • Yamauchi, A. and Yamamura, N. (2006) Persistence conditions of symmetric social hybridogenesis in haplo-diploid Hymenoptera. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 240: 24-31. <PDF>

  • Miki, T. and Yamamura, N. (2005) Intraguild Predation Reduces Bacterial Species Richness and Loosens the Viral Loop in Aquatic Systems: "Kill the Killer of the Winner Hypothesis". Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 40: 1-12. <PDF>

  • Yamauchi, A. and Yamamura, N. (2005) Effects of Defense Evolution and Optimal Diet Choice on Population Dynamics in a One Predator-Two Prey System. Ecology. 86:2513-2524. <PDF>

  • Telschow, A., Yamamura, N. and Werren, J. H. (2005) Bidirectional Cytoplasmic Incompatibility and the Stable Coexistence of Two Wolbachia Strains in Parapatric Host Populations. Journal of Theoretical Bilogy. 235: 265-274. <PDF>

  • Miki, T. and Yamamura, N. (2005) Theoretical Model for Interactions between Particle-associated and Free-living Bacteria to Predict the Functional Composition and Succession of the Bacterial Community. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 39: 35-46. <PDF>

  • Miki, T. and Yamamura, N. (2005) Effects of Asynchronous Fluctuations in DOC Supply and Bacterial Growth on Biodegradation Efficiency. Ecological Modelling. 183(2-3): 281-299. <PDF>

  • Yamamura, N., Higashi, M., Behera, N. and Wakano, J. Y. (2004) Evolution of Mutualism through Spatial Effects. Journal of Theoretical Biology 226: 421-428. <PDF>

  • Yamauchi, A. and Yamamura, N. (2004) Herbivory promotes plant production and reproduction in nutrient-poor conditions: Effects of plant adaptive phenology. American Naturalist 163: 138-153. <PDF>

  • Kobayashi, Y. and Yamamura, N. (2003) Evolution of Signal Emission by Non-infested Plants Growing near Infested Plants to Avoid Future Risk. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 223: 489-503. <PDF>

  • Harrison, R.D. and Yamamura, N. (2003) A few More Hypotheses for the Evolution of Dioecy in Figs (Ficus, Moraceae). Oikos 100: 628-635. <PDF>

  • Horiuchi, S. and Yamamura, N. (2002) Soldier Production Strategy in Lower Termites: From Young Instars or Old Instars?. Journal of Theoretical Biology 218: 195-205. <PDF>

  • Wakano, J. Y., Kohmatsu, Y. and Yamamura, N.(2002) Evolutionary Dynamics of Frequency-dependent Growth Strategy in Cannibalistic Amphibians. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4: 719-736. <PDF>

  • Yamamura, N., Yachi, S. and Higashi, M. (2001) An Ecosystem Organization Model Explaining Diversity at Ecosystem Level: Coevolution of Primary Producer and Decomposer. Ecological Research 16: 975-982. <PDF>

  • Wakano, J. Y. and Yamamura, N. (2001) A Simple Learning Strategy that Realizes Robust Cooperation Better than Pavlov in Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma. J. Ethology 19: 9-15. <PDF>

  • Kohmatsu, Y., Nakano, S. and Yamamura, N. (2001) Effects of Head Shape Variation on Growth, Metamorphosis and Survivorship in Larval Salamanders (Hynobius Retardatus). Ecological Research 16: 73-83. <PDF>

  • Genkai-Kato, M. and Yamamura, N. (2000) Profitability of Prey Determines the Response of population Abundances to Enrichment. Proc. R. Soc. Lnd. B 267: 2397-2401. <PDF>

  • Higashi, M., Yamamura, N. and Abe, T. (2000) Theories on the Sociality of Thermites. in Termites: Evolution, Sociality, Symbioses, Ecology (Abe, T., Bignell, D.E., and Higashi, M., eds.) 169-187, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  • Kobayashi, Y. and Yamamura, N. (2000) Evolution of Seed Dormancy due to Sib Competition: Effect of Dispersal and Inbreeding. Journal of Theoretical Biology 202: 11-24. <PDF>

  • Harrison, R., Yamamura, N. and Inoue, T. (2000) Phenology of a Common Roadside Fig in Sarawak. Ecological Research 15: 47-61. <PDF>

  • Takimoto, G., Higashi, M. and Yamamura, N. (2000) A Deterministic Genetic Model for Sympatric Speciation by Sexual Selection. Evolution 54: 1870-1881. <PDF>

  • Genkai-Kato, M. and Yamamura, N. (1999) Evolution of Mutualistic Symbiosis without Vertical Transmission. Theoretical Population Biology 55: 309-323. <PDF>

  • Genkai-Kato, M. and Yamamura, N. (1999) Unpalatable Prey Resolves the Paradox of Enrichment. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 266: 1215-1219. <PDF>

  • Kameyama, T., Harrison, R. and Yamamura, N. (1999) Persistence of Fig Wasp Population and Evolution of Dioecy in Figs: A Simulation Study. Researches on Population Ecology 41: 243-252.

  • Higashi, M., Takimoto, G. and Yamamura, N. (1999) Sympatric Speciation by Sexual Selection. Nature 402: 523-526. <PDF>

  • Sekino, T. and Yamamura, N. (1999) Diel Vertical Migration of Zooplankton: Optimum Migrating Schedule Based on Energy Accumulation. Evolutionary Ecology 13: 267-282. <PDF>

  • Wakano, J. Y., Nakata, K. and Yamamura, N. (1998) Dynamic Model of Optimal Age Polyethism in Social Insects under Stable and Fluctuating Environments. Journal of Theoretical Biology 193: 153-165. <PDF>

  • Yamamura, N. (1997) Diversity and Evolution of Symbiotic Interactions. in Biodiversity: An Ecological Perspective ( Abe, T., Levin, S.A., and Higashi, M., eds.) 75-82, Springer, New York. <PDF>

  • Yamamura, N. and Jormalainen, V. (1996) Compromised Strategy Resolves Intersexual Conflict over Pre-copulatory Guarding Duration. Evolutionary Ecology 10: 661-680.

  • Yamamura, N. (1996) Evolution of Mutualistic Symbiosis: A Differential Equation Model. Researches on Population Ecology 38: 211-218.

  • Yamamura, N. and Tsuji, N. (1995) Optimal Strategy of Plant Antiherbivore Defense: Implication for Apparency and Resource- availability Theories. Ecological Research 10: 19-30.

  • Higashi, M. and Yamamura, N. (1994) Resolution of Evolutionary Conflict: a General Theory and its Application. Researches on Population Ecology 36: 15-22.

  • Tsuji, N. and Yamamura, N. (1994) A Mathematical Model for Wing Dimorphism in Male Cardiocondyla Ants. J. Ethology 12: 19-24.

  • Hattori, A. and Yamamura, N. (1994) Co-existence of Subadult Males and Females as Alternative Tactics of Breeding post Acquisition in a Monogamous and Protandrous Anemonefish. Evolutionary Ecology 8: 1-12.

  • Jormalainen, V., Tuomi, J. and Yamamura, N. (1994) Intersexual Conflict over Precopula Duration in Mate-guarding Crustacea. Behavioural Processes 32: 265-284. <PDF>

  • Higashi, M., Yamamura, N., Nakajima, H. and Abe, T. (1993) Producer- Decomposer Maching in a Simple Model Ecosystem: A Network Coevolutionary Approach to Ecosystem Organization. in Proceedings of a Joint U.S.-Japan Seminar in the Enviromental Sciences (DeAngelis D. L., and Teramoto J., eds.), Technical Reports from Oakridge National Institute ESDP No.4124:131-145.

  • Yamamura, N. and Tsuji, N. (1993) Parental Care as a Game. J. Evolutionary Biology 6: 103-127.

  • Higashi, M. and Yamamura, N. (1993) What Determines Animal Group Size?: Insider-outsider Conflict and its Resolution. American Naturalist 142: 553-563.

  • Yamamura, N. (1993) Vertical Transmission and Evolution of Mutualism from Parasitism. Theoretical Population Biology 44: 95-109.

  • Yamamura, N. (1993) Different Evolutionary Conditions for Worker and Soldier Castes: Genetic Systems Explaining Caste Distribution among Eusocial Insects. Journal of Theoretical Biology 161: 111-117.

  • Yamamura, N. and Higashi, M. (1992) An Evolutionary Theory of Conflict Resolution Between Relatives: Altruism, manipulation, compromise. Evolution 46: 1236-1239.

  • Tsuji, N. and Yamamura, N. (1992) A Simple Evolutionary Model of Dormancy and Dispersal in Heterogeneous paches with Special Reference to Phytophagous Lady Beetles: I. Stable Environments. Researches on Population Ecology 34: 77-89.

  • Higashi, M., Yamamura, N., Abe, T. and Burns, T. (1991) Why don't All Termite Species Have a Sterile Worker Caste?. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 246: 25-29.

  • Yamamura, N., Hasegawa, T. and Ito, Y. (1990) Why Mothers do not Resist Infanticide?: A Cost-benefit Genetic Model. Evolution 44: 1346-1357.

  • Tsuji, N., Okazawa, T. and Yamamura, N. (1990) Autogenous and Anautogenous Mosquitoes: A Mathematical Analysis of Reproductive Strategies. Journal of Medical Entomology 27: 446-453.

  • Yamamura, N. and Tsuji, N. (1989) Postcopulatory Guarding Strategy in Finite Mating Period. Theoretical Population Biology 35: 36-50.

  • Yamamura, N. (1988) Not All Models are on the Same Level: Empirical Law and Hypothesis. Invited Commentary to "Research on Self-control: An Integrating Framework" by Logue A.W. in Behavioral and Brain Science 11: 665-709

  • Mogi, M. and Yamamura, N. (1988) Population Regulation of the Mosquito Armigeres Theobaldi with Description of the Animal Fauna in Zingiberaceous Inflorescences. Researches on Population Ecology 30: 251-265.

  • Yamamura, N. and Yano, E. (1988) A Simple Model of Host-parasitoid Interaction with Host-feeding. Researches on Population Ecology 30: 353-361.

  • Yamamura, N. (1987) Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS) Models of Copulation and Mate Guarding in Animal Societies, Theories and Facts (Ito Y., Brown, J.L., and Kikkawa, J., eds. ). 197-211. Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo.

  • Yamamura, N. (1987) A Model on Correlation between Precopulatory Guarding and Short Receptivity to Copulation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 127: 171-180.

  • Yamamura, N. (1987) Biparental Defence in a Subsocial Spider Mite. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2: 261-262.

  • Yamamura, N. and Tsuji, N. (1987) Optimal Patch Time Under Exploitative Competition. The American Naturalist. 129: 553-567

  • Yamamura, N. (1986) An Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS) Model of Postcopulatory Guarding in Insects. Theoretical Population Biology 29: 438-455.

  • Platt, T. and Yamamura, N. (1986) Prenatal Mortality in a Marine Cladoceran, Evadne Nordmanni. Marine Ecology Progress Series 29: 127-139.<PDF>

  • Tsuji, N. and Yamamura, N. (1986) An ESS Model of Postcopulatory Guarding: A Case of Multi-Copulation during Oviposition. Acta Eruditiorum of Saga Medical School 4: 45-61.

  • Yamamura, N. and Tsuji, N. (1985) An ESS Model for Optimal Copulation Time. Acta Eruditiorum of Saga Medical School. 3: 37-53.

  • Yamamura, N. (1984) Relation between the Degree of Generation Overlapping and Population Stability. Acta Eruditiorum of Saga Medical School 2: 31-45.

  • Nakanishi, M. and Yamamura, N. (1984) Seasonal Changes in the Primary Production and Chlorophyll a Amount of Sessile Algal Community in a Small Mountain Stream, Chigonosawa. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series B. 9: 41-55.

  • Yamamura, N. and Iwahashi, O. (1982) Stabilization of the Population of a Parasite on Fruits by the Population of a Cleptoparasite. Researches on Population Ecology. 24: 345-359.

  • Iwasa, Y., Higashi, M. and Yamamura, N. (1981) Prey Distribution as a Factor Determining the Choice of Optimal Foraging Strategy. The American Naturalist. 117: 710-723.

  • Mogi, M. and Yamamura, N. (1981) Estimation of the Attraction Range of a Human Bait for Aedes Albopictus (Diptera, Culicidae) Adults and its Absolute Density by a New Removal Method Applicable to Populations with Immigrants. Researches on Population Ecology 23 : 328-343.

  • Tsubaki, Y. and Yamamura, N. (1980) A Model Decriptive of Gregariousness of Colonial Insect Larvae. Researches on Population Ecology 21: 332-344.

  • Yamamura, N., Nakano, T. and Teramoto, E. (1978) Catastrophic Phenomena in Ecological Systems. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Topics in Biology.16-23.

  • Teramoto, E., Ashida, H., Nakajima, H., Shigesada, N., Kawasaki, K. and Yamamura, N. (1978) Switching Effect in Prey-predator System. Journal of Theoretical Biology 70: 263-271.

  • Teramoto, E., Ashida, H., Nakajima, H., Shigesada, N., Kawasaki, K. and Yamamura, N. (1978) Stability of Multispecies Prey-predator System. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series B. 7(2): 87-94.

  • Yamamura, N. (1976) Extension of Kolmogorov-type Predation Equations to the Three Species Interactions. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series B. 7(1): 111-117.

  • Yamamura, N. (1976) Catastrophes of Ecosystems. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series B.7(1): 119-124.

  • Yamamura, N. (1976) A mathematical approach to spatial distribution and temporal succession in plant communities. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 38: 517-526.

  • Teramoto, E., Ashida, H., Nakajima, H., Shigesada, N., Kawasaki, K. and Yamamura, N. (1976) Structure, Stability, and Efficiency of Ecosystem. Progress in Theoretical Biology 4: 205-262.
 Norio Yamamura. All rights reserved.