Program 1 Seminar on Urban Space and Resource Nexus

日 時
2019年1月18日(金)13:00 - 16:50
場 所
総合地球環境学研究所 セミナールーム1&2 (⇒アクセス
言 語
主 催
総合地球環境学研究所 実践プログラム1
実践プログラム1 岩崎E-mail


  1. 13:00 - 13:05
  2. Introduction

  3. 13:05 - 13:40
  4. Labor-Intensive Industrialization in Postwar Tokyo: Urban Space as a Factor of Production by Benjamin Bansal (GRIPS)

  5. 13:40 - 14:00
  6. From Shrine to Machine: An Industrial History of Ota City, Tokyo, 1900-1960 by Satoru Kobori (Nagoya University)

  7. 14:00 - 14:20
  8. The Seafront Resource Nexus around the Tokyo Bay: Social Tipping Points in circa 1970 by Kaoru Sugihara (RIHN)

  9. 14:20 - 14:50
  10. Questions and Answers

  11. 14:50 - 15:05
  12. Coffee break

  13. 15:05 - 15:40
  14. Regional Sustainability in Japan from the Perspective on Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus by Sanghyun Lee (RIHN)

  15. 15:40 - 16:00
  16. Japan’s Medium-term Development Strategy and Its Impact on Resource Utilization by Naoki Masuhara (RIHN)

  17. 16:00 - 16:20
  18. Synergy of the Multi-scale Water-Energy-Food Nexus by Makoto Taniguchi (RIHN)

  19. 16:20 - 16:50
  20. Q & A, discussion

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  5. Program 1 Seminar on Urban Space and Resource Nexus
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