







(2013) 2014-2015




Balée, William. 2013 Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of Landscapes and Peo Tucscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. [winner of the Mary W. Klinger Award from the Society for Economic Botany, 2014]          


Ertl, John, John Mock, John McCreery and Greg Poole, eds. 2014 Diversity in the Anthropology of Japan. Kanazawa: Graduate Program in Cultural Resource Management, Kanazawa University.


Ochial, Emiko and Hosoya, Leo Aoi eds. 2014 Transformation of the Intimate and the Public in Asian Modernity. Brill: Leiden/Boston.


佐々木剛2014『日本の海洋資源 なぜ、世界が目をつけるのか』祥伝社。






Altieri, Miguel A. and C.I. Nicholls. 2014 Agroecology and the design of climate change resilient farming systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (in press)


Angelbeck, Bill and Colin Grier. 2014 From Paradigms to Practices: Pursuing Horizontal and Long-Term Relationships with Indigenous Peoples for Archaeological Heritage. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38(2); in press.


Bronk Ramsey C., Schulting R., Goriunova O.I., Bazaliiskii V.I., Weber A.W. 2014 Analyzing radiocarbon reservoir offsets through stable nitrogen isotopes and Bayesian modeling: A case study using paired human and faunal remains from the Cis-Baikal region, Siberia. Radiocarbon, Vol. 56(2): 1–11. DOI: 10.2458/56.17160


Cowart, Alicia and Roger Byrne. 2013     A Paleolimnological Record of Late Holocene Vegetation Change from the Central California Coast. California Archaeology 5(2): 337-352.


Cuthrell, Rob Q. 2013              Archaeobotanical Evidence for Indigenous Burning Practices and Foodways at CA-SMA-113. California Archaeology 5(2): 265-290.


Cuthrell, Rob Q., Mark G. Hylkema and Laurel Collins. 2013 Natural Resources, Geomorphology, and Archaeology of Site CA-SMA-113 in Quiroste Valley Cultural Preserve, California. California Archaeology 5(2): 247-264.


Danukalova, G., Osipova, E., Khenzykhenova, F. and Sato, T. (in press) The molluscs record: A tool for reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene (MIS 3) palaeoenvironment of the Bol'shoj Naryn site area (Fore-Baikal region, Eastern Siberia, Russia). Quaternary International. Doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.08.034〈印刷中〉


Ertl, John and Paul Hansen. 2014 “Introduction: Moving Beyond Multiculturalism as a Framework for Diversity in the Anthropology of Japan.” In Ertl, John, John Mock, John McCreery and Greg Poole, eds. Diversity in the Anthropology of Japan. Kanazawa: Graduate Program in Cultural Resource Management, Kanazawa University. (査読無)


Ertl, John. 2014       “Traversing the Landscape and Boundaries of Japanese Archaeology: Ethnography of          Archaeological Practices at Amenomiya Kofun.” In Ertl, John, John Mock, John McCreery              and Greg Poole, eds. Diversity in the Anthropology of Japan. Kanazawa: Graduate Program    in Cultural Resource Management, Kanazawa University. (査読無)


Evett, Rand R. and Rob Q. Cuthrell. 2013 Phytolith Evidence for a Grass-Dominated Prairie Landscape at Quiroste Valley on the Central Coast of California. California Archaeology 5(2): 319-335.


Fine, Paul V. A., Tracy M. Misiewicz, Andrea B. Chavez and Rob Q. Cuthrell. 2013 Population Genetic Structure of California Hazelnut, An Important Food Source for People in Quiroste Valley in the Late Holocene. California Archaeology 5(2): 353-370.


Gifford-Gonzalez, Diane, Cristie M. Boone and Rachel E. B. Reid. 2013 The Fauna From Quiroste: Insights into Indigenous Foodways, Culture, and Land Modification. California Archaeology 5(2):291-317.


Grier, Colin. 2014 Landscape Construction, Ownership and Social Change in the Southern Gulf Islands of British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38(1):211-249.


Grier, Colin. 2014 Which Way Forward? [Introduction to Special Section] Canadian Journal of            Archaeology 38(1):135-139.


Hamada, Shingo., Richard Wilk, Amanda Logan, Sara Minard, and Amy Trubek. 2015.3. The Future of Food Studies. Food, Culture & Society, 18 (1): 168-186. (in press)


Hylkema, Mark G. and Rob Q. Cuthrell. 2013 An Archaeological and Historical View of Quiroste Tribal Genesis. California Archaeology 5(2): 225-245.


Itahashi, Y. Y. Chikaraishi, N. Ohkouchi, and M. Yoneda. 2014 Refinement of reconstructed ancient food webs based on the nitrogen isotopic compositions of amino acids from bone collagen: A case study of archaeological herbivores from Tell Ain el-Kerkh, Syria. Geochemical Journal 48, e15-e19. DOI:                102343/geochemj.2.0318(査読有)

Kaner, Simon. 2014 ‘What the Jomon did for us’. Proceedings of the Japan Society of London.


Kashyap, A. and S. Weber. 2013 Starch Grain Analysis and Experiments Provide Insights into Harappan Cooking Practices. In: Connections and Complexity: New Approaches to the Archaeology of South Asia. S. Abraham, P. Gullapalli, T. Rackzek and U. Shinu (eds). Left Coast Press. Pp. 177-194.


Kemp Brian M, Cara Monroe, K. G. Judd, Erin Reams, and Colin Grier. 2014 Evaluation of Methods that Subdue the Effects of Polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibitors               in the Study of Ancient and Degraded DNA. Journal of Archaeological Science 42: 373-380.


Leo Aoi Hosoya. 2014 The “Routine-scape” and social structurarization in the Formation of Japanese Agricultural Society. Geografisca Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 96 (1): 67-82.


Lightfoot, Kent G. 2013          Rethinking the Archaeology of Human/Environmental Interactions in Deep Time History In The Death of Prehistory, edited by P. R. Schmidt and S. Mrozowski, pp. 183-200. Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Lightfoot, Kent G. and Valentin Lopez. 2013 The Study of Indigenous Management Practices in California: An Introduction. California Archaeology 5(2): 209-219.


Lightfoot, Kent G., Rob Q. Cuthrell, Chuck J. Striplen and Mark G. Hylkema. 2013 Rethinking the Study of Landscape Management Practices Among Hunter-Gatherers in North America American Antiquity 78(2): 285-301.


Lightfoot, Kent G., Rob Q. Cuthrell, Cristie M. Boone, Roger Byrne, Andrea B. Chavez, Laurel Collins, Alicia Cowart, Rand R. Evett, Fine V.A. Paul, Diane Gifford-Gonzalez, Mark G. Hylkema, Valentin Lopez, Tracy M. Misiewicz and Rachel E. B. Reid. 2013 Anthropogenic Burning on the Central California Coast in Late Holocene and Early Historical Times: Findings, Implications, and Future Directions. California Archaeology 5(2): 371-390.


Lopez, Valentin. 2013 The Amah Mutsun Band: Reflections on Collaborative Archaeology. California Archaeology 5(2): 221-223.


MacInnes, Bre, Ben Fitzhugh, and Darryl Holman. 2014 “Controlling for landform age when determining the settlement history of the Kuril Islands.” Geoarchaeology 29 (3): 185-201.


Oishi, T. 2014 Sharing hunger and sharing food: Staple food procurement in long-term fishing expeditions of Bakwele horticulturalists in southeastern Cameroon. African Study Monographs, Supplimentary Issue 47: 59-72.(査読有)


Oishi, T., and Hayashi, K. 2014 From ritual dance to disco: Change in habitual use of tobacco and alcohol among the Baka hunter-gatherers of southeastern Cameroon. African Study Monographs, Supplimentary Issue 47: 143-163.(査読有)


Sato, T., Khenzykhenova, F., Simakova, A., Danukalova G., Morosova, E., Yoshida, K., Kunikita, D., Kato, H., Suzuki, K., Lipnina, E., Medvedev, G. and Martynovich. 2014 Paleoenvironment of the Fore-Baikal region in the Karginian interstadial: Results of the interdisciplinary studies of the Bol’shoj Naryn site. Quaternary International 333: 146-155. Doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.12.050


Schulting R.J., Ramsey C., Goriunova O.I.,. Bazaliiskii V.I., Weber A.W. in press. Freshwater reservoir offsets investigated through paired human-faunal 14C dating and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis at Lake Baikal, Siberia. Radiocarbon.

Thornton, Thomas F., Shingo Hamada, and Diana Mastracci. Forthcoming. Urgent Anthropology and Marine Ecosystems: Lessons from Pacific Herring Marinescapes. In Urgent Anthropology, edited by Rajindra Puri. The Royal Anthropological Institute.


Tsutaya, T., Y.I. Naito, H. Ishida, M. Yoneda. 2014 Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope analyses on human and dog diet in the Okhotsk culture: perspectives from the Moyoro, Japan. Anthropological Science 122(2), 89-99. (査読有)


Uchiyama, J., J. Christopher Gillam, Leo Aoi Hosoya, Kati Lindström & Peter Jordan. 2014 Investigating Neolithization of Cultural Landscapes in East Asia: The NEOMAP Project. Journal of World Prehistory, Springer. doi: 10.1007/s10963-014-9079-8


Weber, S. and A. Kashyap. 2014 Panicum sumatrense: The Forgotten Millet. In: New Lives For Ancient And Extinct Crops. Paul Minnis (ed.). University of Arizona Press. pp. 236-253.


Weber, S. and A. Kashyap. 2013 The Vanishing Millets of the Indus Civilization. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Springer: London.


秋道智彌、大石高典. 印刷中「文化の中のナマズ:漁撈」秋篠宮文仁、緒方喜雄、森誠一編『ナマズの博覧誌』誠文堂新光社.


安達登・梅津和夫・米田穣・鈴木敏彦・奈良貴史. (in press) 青森県尻労安部洞窟出土の2本の遊離歯についての理化学的個人識別. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series). (査読有)


池谷和信. 2014 「環境と災害」国立民族学博物館編『世界民族百科事典』pp.644-645. 東京:丸善出版(東京)


池谷和信. 2014 「環境・資源」国立民族学博物館編『世界民族百科事典』p.609. 東京:丸善出版(東京)


大石高典. 2014「漁労活動の生態」、日本アフリカ学会編『アフリカ学事典』昭和堂.pp. 532-535.


大西智和・鐘ヶ江賢二・相美伊久雄. 2014「志布志市有明町原田古墳の発掘調査(2次調査速報)」,『鹿児島考古』第44号、手打貝塚の発掘調査―2次調査の概要報告pp.119-12720147月(査読有)


菅野智則. 2014 「北上川中流域における縄文時代中期後半集落遺跡の特徴」安斎正人・福田正宏編『完新世の気候変動と縄紋文化の変化』 東北芸術工科大学東北文化研究センター pp.-31(査読無)


後藤康夫. 2014「ハリケーン・カトリーナの衝撃とニュー・オーリンズの未来ー災害をめぐるグローバルな対抗ー」福島大学国際災害復興学研究チーム編著『東日本大震災からの復旧・復興と国際比較』pp. 179-197.八朔社


佐藤孝雄. 2014       イヌと縄文人. 西田巌(), 東名シンポジウム2013 「貝と骨からわかる縄文人                の素顔貝塚に残されたもの. pp.74-92. 佐賀市: 佐賀市教育委員会. (査読無)


佐藤孝雄. 2014       日本最古の埋葬犬骨: 上黒岩岩陰出土縄文犬骨の研究. 兵頭勲(), 平成26年度                特別展図録 続・上黒岩岩陰とその時代縄文時代早期の世界−. pp.139-143. 西予市: 愛媛県立歴史文化博物館. (査読無)


細谷葵. 2014 生業復元のための植物遺存体分析。総合地球環境学研究所()地球環境学マニュアル2:はかる・みせる・読みとく、朝倉書店、6667頁。


松井章. 2014「狩猟の対象」 泉拓良・今村啓爾編『講座日本の考古学4縄文時代(下)』          pp.-35 青木書店 (査読有)


松井章・丸山真史. 2014 「日本在来馬の起源」『ビオストーリー』21 pp.14-18(査読有)


内藤大輔. 2014「マレーシア・サバ州における森林管理の変遷と地域住民の生業変容」東南アジア研究 52(1) pp. 3-21.


福永真弓. 2014「生に〈よりそう〉:環境社会学の方法論とサステイナビリティ」『環境社会学研究』20,印刷中(掲載決定)[査読有]


吉田明弘・佐々木明彦・大山幹成・箱崎真隆・伊藤晶文. 2014晩氷期の鳥海山における植生復元とグイマツの立地環境.植生史研究,23-1pp. 21-26(査読有)



米田穣. 2014 新手法で人骨から解明された縄文人の食生態と環境適応能力. 「週刊朝日百              新発見!日本の歴史 49 日本人はどこから来たか」, p-18. (査読無)


米田穣. (印刷中) 炭素・窒素同位体でみた縄文時代の食資源利用:京葉地区における中  期から後期への変遷. 別冊季刊考古学『縄文時代の資源利用と社会』. (査読無)


米田穣. 2014           地球上に拡がったヒトという生物.「宇宙と生命の起源2 素粒子から細胞へ」 (小久保英一郎・嶺重慎編), pp. 221-240, 岩波ジュニア新書 777, 岩波書店.(査読無)


米田穣. 2014           縄文時代の食生活にみる、ヒトの文化の力と多様性.「別冊宝島 日本人の起    源」(近藤修監修), pp. 130-133, 宝島社. (査読無)


米田穣. 2014 市川市で出土した縄文時代人骨の食生活. 市史研究いちかわ 5, 3-8.(査読有)




Cowart, Alicia. 2014 Paleoenvironmental Change in Central California in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene: Impacts of Climate Change and Human Land Use on Vegetation and Fire Regimes. Ph.D. Dissertation Department of Geography, University of California at Berkeley.


Lightfoot, Kent G., Peter Nelson, Roberta A. Jewett, Rob Q. Cuthrell, Paul Mondragon, Nicholas Tripcevich and Sara L. Gonzalez. 2013 The Archaeological Investigation of McCabe Canyon, Pinnacles National Park. Report on File, Pinnacles National Park.


Striplen, Chuck J. 2014            A Dendroecology-Based Fire History of Coast Redwoods (SEQUOIA SEMPERVIRENS) In Central Coastal California. Ph.D. Dissertation Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California at Berkeley.


Takahashi, Satsuki. 2015 Review of Precarious Japan by Anne Allison (2013 Duke University Press). The Australian Journal of Anthropology. (Forthcoming)


安達香織. In Press「下北半島の遺跡と研究史 2.縄文時代以降の遺跡の調査研究」『尻労安部洞窟―20012012年度発掘調査報告書pp.11-13,18-20〈印刷中〉(査読無)


池谷和信. 2014「生活に密着し根付く郷土芸能」『広報大槌(おおつち)』592号:7頁 大槌町総合政策課。


大石高典. 2014「病をもたらす魚、薬としての魚カメルーン東南部の漁撈農耕民バクウェレにおける魚のイメージ」中村亮、稲井啓之編『アフリカ漁民の世界(アフロ・ユーラシア内陸乾燥地文明研究叢書9)』pp. 233-252, 名古屋大学文学研究科比較人文学研究室.


佐々木剛. 2014 『よっしぃ博士の「サクラマス教室」』pp. 1-16. 東京海洋大学水圏環境教育研究室.


瀬口眞司, 細谷葵, 中村大, 渋谷綾子. 2014 [座談会記録] 日本考古学の国際化:なぜ必要か?/何が必要か?考古学研究 60巻第4号(通算240号): 610


山本直人. 2014[書評]ここまでわかった!縄文人の植物利用」『歴博』第185号 p.30 国立歴史民俗博物館(査読有)


米田穣, 小林紘一, 伊藤茂. 2014市谷加賀町二丁目遺跡6時調査出土縄文時代人骨の炭素・窒素同位体分析および放射性炭素年代測定.「市谷加賀町二丁目遺跡VI(仮称)新宿区市谷加賀町2丁目計画に伴う埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書-[埋葬遺構編](新宿区地域文化部文化観光課文化資源係), pp. 64-68. (査読無)





Altieri, Miguel A.2014.10. Paper presented to Berkeley Food Institute, Initiatives on urban agriculture in Berkeley Campus, October 10, 2014


Altieri, Miguel A. 2014.10. Paper presented to Colloquium on the significance of urban agriculture to provide ecosystem services in urban environments, Stanford University, October 22, 2014


Altieri, Miguel A. 2014.9. Paper presented to CJS-JSPS Symposium- Long-term Sustainability through Place-based, Small-Scale economies. Berkeley, California, 26-28 September, 2014


Ames, Kenneth M. 2014.4. The Social Lives of Projectile Points Inter and Intrahousehold variation in projectile point forms in Lower Columbia River Plankhouses. Invited Symposium Paper presented to the 79th Annual Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Austin TX, April 23 – 27, 2014.


Ames, Kenneth M. 2014.9.Household-scale economies on the Northwest Coast, A Lower Columbia River Case Study. Paper presented to the CJS-JSPS Symposium “Long-term Sustainability through Place-based, Small-scale economies. University of California, Berkeley September 26-28, 2014


Ames, Kenneth M., and Elizabeth M. Sobel. 2014.11. The archaeology of exchange and trade on the Lower Columbia River. Paper to be presented to the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde History Conference, November 14, 2014.


Balée, William. 2014.9. “Left-handedness, the right angle, and societal verticality: Reflections on Hocart’s theory of hierarchy,” University of California, Berkeley, Long-term sustainability through place-based, small-scale economies, organized by Professor Junko Habu. Sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences, The Center for Japanese Studies, and the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. 26 September 2014


Balée, William. 2014.10. “A historical-ecological approach to geometry, gigantism, and dualism in the landscape.” Louisiana State University, Friday Forum Speakers Series, 24 October 2014.


Balée, William. 2014.10. “Geometry, gigantism, and lacquerware, or, the origin of social hierarchy.” Tulane University, New Orleans, Anthropology Colloquium Series, 3 October 2014.


Ertl, John. 2014.5. Intersections of Diversity and Mobility in Japanese Archaeological Discourse. 17th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Chiba, Japan. May 15-18. (口頭発表)


Fukunaga, Mayumi. 2014.5. "Who manages the watershed?: Legitimacy building and competing uses of watershed space," IUEAS, Makuhari Messe, 2014. 5.18.


Fitzhugh, Ben and Caroline Funk. 2014.4.Sustainability and settlement: A comparative analysis of late Holocene settlement patterns in the Aleutians and Kuril Islands. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. April 25, 2014.


Fitzhugh, Ben and William Brown. 2014.8. Human paleodemography and ecodynamics in the Subarctic North Pacific: Teleconnections in large time and space scales? Poster presentation for American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Annual Meeting. UW, Seattle WA. August 9, 2014.


Fitzhugh, Ben and William W. Fitzhugh. 2014.1. Subsistence Ecology and the Development of North Pacific Maritime Cultures: Legacies of the Past, Prospects of the Future. Paper presented at the “International Symposium: Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures along the North Pacific Rim: Focusing on Indigenous Rights and Marine Resource Utilization.” National Museum of Ethnology, Minpaku, Osaka. January 13, 2014.


Fitzhugh, Ben. 2014.5.             Building an International Human Ecodynamics Research Community in the Remote North Pacific from the Perspective of Archaeology and Paleoecology. Paper presented at the International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS), Prince George, B.C. Canada. May 22, 2014.


Fitzhugh, Ben. 2014.9.             Vulnerability and Resilience on the North Pacific Rim: Climate Oscillation & Food Security, Political Economy and Pandemic. Paper presented at the CJS-JSPS Symposium on “Long-term Sustainability through Place-based, Small-scale economies” UC Berkeley, CA. Sept 26, 2014.


Grier, Colin. 2014 Actor Networks and Coastal Landforms in Precontact Coast Salish History: Formulating a New Approach to Some Key Issues in Northwest Coast Archaeology. Paper presented at 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, TX.


Grier, Colin. 2014.9. Decentralization, Local Autonomy and Resource Management Practices in Coast Salish Societies of the Northwest Coast: Lessons from the Small Scale. Paper presented at the CJS-JSPS Symposium ‘Long-Term Sustainability through Place-     Based, Small-Scale Economies.’ Berkeley, California.


Habu, Junko. , Steven Weber. 2014.4. Mobility, Food Diversity and Climate Change: Prehistoric Cases from East and South Asia. SAA. April 23-27 2014, Austin.


Hamada, Shingo. 2014.12. Science in Tomemism: An Experimental and Multispecies Ethnography of Fisheries Science and Technology in Japan. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC. December 6.


Hamada, Shingo. 2014.7.「環北太平洋におけるニシン歴史生態学:トリンギットとアイヌを例として」 2014年度北海道民族学会第1回研究会 (札幌:713日)


Ikeya K. 2014.5. Human history of nomadism and sedentarism among nomadic peoples. In the Organizing Committee of the IUES 2014 (ed.), Conference Programme Abstract of IUAES 2014 with JASCA/.. pp.79. Tokyo 国際人類学・民族学会議 2014515日(口頭発表)


Kaneko, Nobuhiro. 2014.9. No-tillage with Weed Green Mulch: Extension of Fukuoka’s Natural Farming. JST-CJS Symposium “Long-term sustainability through place-based, small-scale economies” September 26-28, UC Berkeley


Kusaka, S., Nakano, T. 2014.4. Carbon isotope analysis on tooth enamel to reveal relationships between diet and tooth ablation types of the Jomon in Japan. The 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Calgary, Alberta CANADA. 8th-12th (12th) April. 2014.


Leo Aoi Hosoya, Oki Nakamura, Shinji Seguchi, Ayako Shibutani. 2014.6. What did Jomon people eat in fact? Jomon subsistence and society: Chronological shifts in Japanese Jomon subsistence strategies on the basis of local characteristics of north Tohoku area., 6th Worldwide Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, 10 June 2014, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar.


Leo Aoi Hosoya. 2014 Revitalizing Broad-spectrum Economies: From the Scope of Archeology and Ethnography. Symposium: Long-term Sustainability Through Place-based, Small-scale Economies(アメリカ、カリフォルニア大学・バークレー校)


Leo Aoi Hosoya. 2014 East Asian Grinding- Incidental or Fundamental?: Ethnoarchaeological Analyses of Japanese and Chinese Food Processing. The 20th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Apsara-Angkor Resort and Conference Hotel, Cambodia.


Leo Aoi Hosoya. 2014東アジアの植物食料加工と貯蔵:環境資源から「食べ物」を作り出す技術と観念. 異分野融合による方法的革新を目指した人文・社会科学研究推進事業「済州島・異文化セミナー:東アジアの環境思想をめぐって」(韓国、ラマダプラザ済州ホテル)


Naganuma, M., Sato, T., Takahashi, T. and Kato, H. 2014.5. Results of the archaeological excavation from Hamanka 2 site, Rebun Island, 2011 and 2013 field years. Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project May 2014 Workshops. University of Alberta, Edmonton. (May 5, 2014)


Oishi, Takanori and Njoukou, André-Ledoux. 2014 .6. "Wild mushroom uses by the Baka and the Bakwele of southern Cameroon" The 14th International Society of Ethnobiology Congress in Lamai Gompa, Bumthang, Bhutan from June 1-7, 2014.(Poster presentation)


Oishi, Takanori. 2014.12. Land conflict in multi-ethnic context: trans-ethnicnegotiation and cultural transmissions in the expansion process ofcocoa farming in southeastern Cameroon. The Forth Forum on “Comprehensive Area Studies on Coexistence and Conflict Resolution Realizing ‘African Potentials’” To be held at Tou'Ngou Hotel, Yaoundé, Cameroon, December 5-6.


Oishi, Takanori. 2014.6. Psychosocial importance of forest life for the Bakwele farmers of southeastern Cameroon. The 14th International Society of Ethnobiology Congress in Lamai Gompa, Bumthang, Bhutan from June 1-7, 2014. (Oral presentation)


Oishi, Takanori. 2014.9. Food diversity, interethnic relationships, and long-term sustainability of forest use in central African tropical rainforests. JSPS Symposium 2014: Long-term Sustainability through Place-based, Small-scale economies, Doe memorial library, University of California Berkeley, CA, USA. September 27th, 2014. (Oral presentation)


Ono A., Shimada K., Hashizume J., Yoshida A., Hori K. 2014.11. Natural resource environment and humans around obsidian exploitation in the central highland, Japan. Asian Paleolithic AssociationGongju (Korea)111216.


Schulting R., Bronk Ramsey C., Goriunova O.I., Bazaliiskii V.I., Weber A.W. 2014.5. Examination of the fresh water reservoir effect in the Cis-Baikal region. Paper presented at the Baikal–Hokkaido Archeology Project Workshop, Edmonton, May 5–7, 2014.


Schulting R., Yoneda Y., Weber A.2014.9. Hunter-gatherers in a northern ‘maritime’ zone: a comparison of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes from Baikal and Hokkaido. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the European Association of Archaeologists. 10–14 September, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.


Takahashi, Satsuki. 2014.12. Precarious Drama: Surviving and Living in Post-Disaster Japan. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC. December 5.


Tsutaya, T., Yoneda, M., Masuda, R., and Sato, T. 2014.5. Preliminary analysis on stable isotopes and mitochondrial DNA of dog remains from the Rebun Island. Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project May 2014 Workshops. University of Alberta, Edmonton. (May 6, 2014)  


Weber A.W. 2013.4. Understanding middle Holocene hunter–gatherer diets in Cis-Baikal, Siberia, using the IsoSource mixing model.Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology, Honolulu, Hawaii, 3–7 April, 2013.


Weber A.W. 2013.9. Eating fish makes you older: Carbon reservoir effects in middle Holocene Cis-Baikal, Siberia.Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the European Association of Archaeologists, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 4–8, 2013.


Weber A.W., Bronk Ramsey C., Schulting R., Goriunova O.I., Bazaliiskii V.I. 2014.5. Freshwater reservoir effect corrections to chronology of middle Holocene hunter–gatherers in the Cis-Baikal region of Siberia. Paper presented at the Baikal–Hokkaido Archeology Project Workshop, Edmonton, May 5–7, 2014.


Weber, Steven., and B. Shaw. 2014.4.Ancient Seeds: Their Role In Understanding Subsistence Strategies At Specialized Craft Production Sites In Central Thailand. School for Advanced Research (SAR). NSF funded seminar: The Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project. Santa Fe, NM. April 28-May 2, 2014.


Yoneda, M. and S. Kusaka. 2014.9. Maritime adaptation of Jomon hunter-fisher-gatherer of prehistoric Japan. Radiocarbon and Diet: Aquatic Food Resources and Reservoir Effect, International Scientific Meeting (Kiel, 24 Sep).



安達香織, 2014.9.「東北地方北部における縄紋時代中期後期の地域社会と生業」, 第四紀学会2014年大会, 201409, 千葉 (口頭発表、招待)


飯塚宜子、山口未花子2014.8.「北米先住民と自然との関わりに学ぶ環境教育実践」日本環境教育学会第25回大会ESD10年と環境教育の未来 法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス 201482日~3日 (口頭発表)


池谷和信. 2014.8. 「リスクへの対応-三陸海岸での集落と生業の変化-」地球研2014824日(小規模経済プロジェクト全体会議)


池谷和信. 2014.9. 「全体コメント」東北地理学会・第1回研究集会(「山田での東日本大震災を検証する」)、岩手県山田町中央公民館2014913日(口頭発表)


池谷和信. 2014.9. 「大槌町での民俗芸能と地域復興」。東北地理学会・第2回研究集会(「大槌での東日本大震災を検証する」)、岩手県大槌町中央公民館 2014914日(口頭発表)


伊藤由美子・羽生淳子・大西智和・稲野祐介. 2014.11. 青森市合子沢松森遺跡から出土したウルシ科果実 Anacardiaceae fruits excavated from Goshizawa-matumori Site in Aomori City. 29回植生史学会大会 鹿児島大学 20141123日(ポスター発表)


大西智和, 鐘ヶ江賢二, 中村直子, 竹中正巳. 2014.5.「古墳時代食用資源利用の実態の解明薩摩川内市手打貝塚の発掘調査               日本考古学協会第80回総会、日本大学文理学部、20145月(口頭)


金子信博, 南谷幸男, 三浦季子, 荒井見和, 角田智詞, 鹿山博之. 2014.10. 保全型農地の土壌微生物群集の決定機構. 環境微生物系学会合同大会2014, 1021−24日、浜松.


日下宗一郎,陀安一郎,米田穣2014 .10. 関東貝塚縄文人骨と動物骨のアミノ酸窒素安定同位体分析,第68回日本人類学会大会,アクトシティ浜松コングレスセンター(静岡県浜松市),2014年10月31日–11月3日(2日)


黒住耐二, 佐藤孝雄, 奈良貴史, 渡辺丈彦, 澤田純明, 澤浦亮平, 吉永亜紀子, 千葉毅, 金井紋子, 竹内俊吾, 平澤悠 2014.4.「本州最北端における最終氷期の陸産貝類群集組成とその後の変遷」平成26年度日本貝類学会大会. 大阪: 大阪市立自然史博物館(口頭発表)(April 13, 2014)


後藤康夫. 2014.10. 「3・11フクシマの闘いにおける被災者運動のNPO展開」経済理論学会、阪南大学(大阪)2014年10月25日(口頭発表)


島田和高, 橋詰潤, 吉田明弘, 小野昭. 2014.9.       長野県広原遺跡群の発掘調査と中部高地におけるEUP 石器群.日本第四紀学会シンポジウム「更新世・完新世の資源環境と人類」.東京大学(千葉),96日(口頭発表、招待)


濵田信吾. 2014.10.在来知に基づいたニシン資源利用と増殖技術の実践:アラスカ州シトカ・トリンギット族の事例から」平成26年度ニシン資源研究会(札幌:1031日)


松井章, 丸山真史. 2014.7.「中世大友府内町跡大友宗麟の城下町出土の動物遺存体の研究」日本文化財科学会第31回大会 奈良教育大学(奈良県奈良市) 20147月(口頭発表)


吉田明弘, 紀藤典夫, 鈴木智也, 鈴木三男. 2014.11. 北海道万畳敷湿原における植生変遷と気候変動.日本植生史学会.鹿児島大学,1123日(口頭発表)


吉田明弘. 2014.11. 青森県小川原湖の花粉化石データからみた完新世の気候変動シグナル.日本植生史学会.鹿児島大学,1123日(口頭発表)


吉田明弘. 2014.5.長野県広原湿原の花粉組成からみた最終氷期以降の森林限界の変遷.日本地球惑星科学連動大会,パシフィコ横浜,51日(口頭発表)


吉田明弘. 2014.9. 中部高地における旧石器時代以降の景観変化と黒耀石の獲得方法の連動性.日本第四紀学会シンポジウム「更新世・完新世の資源環境と人類」.東京大学(千葉),96日(口頭発表、招待)


米田穣. 2014.10. 同位体分析による過去の人々の食性復元:最近の進展. 5回新潟4解剖学講座合同セミナー (新潟1015).


米田穣. 2014.5.       骨の同位体分析による日本海沿岸縄文人の食生態. 日本考古学協会第80回総会 (東京 518).




Ames, Kenneth M. 2014.10. What’s up on the Northwest Coast: Revising\Rethinking Complex Hunter Gatherers. Parson’s Lecture, University of Michigan, Oct. 16, 2014.


Ertl, John. 2014.3. Amerikajin ga Kataru Goshono Iseki no Kachi to Miryoku (The Value and Appeal of Goshono Site). Invited Lecture: Goshono Jomon Site, Iwate Japan. March 8. (口頭発表、招待)


Fukunaga, Mayumi. 2014.9. “Re-weaving Hope: Tsunami survivors, local reciprocity networks, and futurity,” Long-term Sustainability through Place-based, Small-scale Economies, UC Berkeley, September 27.


Grier, Colin. 2013 Anarchism and the Study of Hunter Gatherers: Por Qué Anarqismo? University Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), Dapartament de Prehistòria.               


Grier, Colin. 2013 Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes: Built Environments and the Emergence of   Social      Inequality. Consejo Superior de Investgaciones Cientificas, Barcelona, Spain.


Grier, Colin. 2014 Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes: Built Environments and the Emergence of   Social      Inequality. Seoul National University (S. Korea), Department of Archaeology and Art History.


Hamada, Shingo. 2014.16. Seafood, Seascape and Shifting Baselines. Introduction Trans-Disciplinary Human Development. Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University. (October 16, 2014)


Matsui, A. & Rasmi Shoocongdej. 2014.8. “Human and Chicken Mutual-relationship Research Project” ‘Multi-Interaction between Human and Chicken from Archaeological Context’, 2014年8月 東京都(口頭発表)


Matsui, A. 2014.1. “The international conference Cultural Heritage: Environment, Ecology and Inter-Asian Interactions Conference, 6-8 January 2014” ‘Keynote lecture: Threats on Cultural Heritage Caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011’ 20141 Nalanda University, Rajgir, India.(口頭発表、招待講演)


Simon Kaner 2014.4. Organised workshop on ‘Radiocarbon dating in Japanese archaeology’. Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, Norwich (April)


Simon Kaner. 2014.1.              ‘The idea of form (katachi) in Japanese prehistory’. Invited lecture (to be published shortly in Japanese), National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo (January)


Simon Kaner. 2014.1. ‘Links between Japanese and European archaeology’. Invited lecture, Nara University (January).


Simon Kaner. 2014.10. ‘What the foreign specialist William Gowland saw in the mounded tombs’. 2nd Ishibashi Lecture Series, Tokyo National Museum (October)


Simon Kaner. 2014.8. Jomon archaeology seen from the perspective of the European Neolithic’. Chuo University, Tokyo (August)


Simon Kaner. 2014.9. ‘Metastable ecosystems along the Shinano-Chikuma River, central Japan: challenges and potential’. Talk at workshop in Historical Ecology in northeast Asia, University of Oregon (September).


Takahashi, Satsuki. 2014.7. Fukushima Future: Nukes, Renewables, and Temporal Momentums in Coastal Japan. Department of Anthropology, Tsukuba University, Japan. July 3.


Weber, Steven. 2014.3. The Spread of Setaria italic Into Southeast Asia: An Examination of the Archaeobotanical Record. Invited Participant: Dispersion of People, Crops, and Language: Focusing on Millets in Asia. National Institute of the Humanities, Tokyo, Japan, March 20-21, 2014.


Weber, Steven. 2014.6.            The Rise and Fall of Cities in Prehistory: An Example From the Indus Civilization. Invited Participant in the International Symposium entitled “Living in the Megacity: The Emergence of Sustainable Urban Environments” Kyoto, Japan, June 25-27, 2014.


王柳蘭、大石高典. 2014.10.「趣旨説明」京都大学地域研究統合情報センター・研究員ワークショップ『ムダの魅力地域研究の潜在性』京都大学稲盛財団記念館(京都市左京区)、20141021日.


大石高典. 2014.8.「ゴジラ化する世界のなかでの生存戦略としての小規模経済」,『「星が降るとき」刊行記念シンポジウム ~仕事、世代、環境からフクシマ後の世界を考える~』セッション3:『環境』、国際文化会館岩崎記念ホール(東京都港区).(201488)


大石高典. 2014 .11. カメルーン東南部の近年のカカオ生産拡大過程における土地をめぐるコンフリクト:多民族状況の中での民族間交渉と文化伝播」、科研費基盤研究(S)「アフリカの紛争と共生」第18回全体会議:特別フォーラム『201412月のヤウンデ・フォーラムにむけて』、京都大学稲盛財団記念館(京都市左京区)、2014118日開催予定.(口頭発表)


大石高典. 2014.11.「精霊とともに生きる人たちアフリカ熱帯雨林の狩猟採集民ピグミー」大倭会文化講演会、大倭大本宮(奈良県奈良市)、2014119日開催予定.(招待講演)


大石高典. 2014.11.「民族境界の《生態》アフリカ熱帯雨林にいきる農耕民と狩猟採集民」京都人類学研究会、201411月例会、会場未定(京都市左京区)、20141121日開催予定.(口頭発表)


大西智和. 2014.5. 上野原縄文の森第39回企画展講演会、モノから探る他地域との関係「甑島」と「須恵器」を事例として20145月、上野原縄文の森


大西智和. 2014.6. 志布志文化財愛護会学習会に伴う講演会、原田古墳を巡る志布志の古墳文化、20146月、志布志市志ふれあい交流館


濵田信吾. 2014.10.「雑魚と食の生態学」ワークショップ「ムダの魅力地域研究の潜在性」京都大学地域研究統合情報センター(1022日)


松井章. 2014 .2. 地域展「味生の歴史」講演会 「松山市宮前川遺跡出土の骨角器からみた味生の歴史」松井章 2014年2月 松山市考古館(愛媛県松山市)(口頭発表、招待講演)


松井章. 2014.8. 17回だて噴火湾縄文まつりシンポジウム 「環境考古学最前線-サケマス論・焼畑・家畜」 2014年8月 だて歴史の杜カルチャーセンター(北海道伊達市)(口頭発表、招待講演)





Fitzhugh, Ben. 2014.5. International and Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Reflections on lessons from personal experience… still in progress. Baikal Hokkaido Archaeological Project, All-Hands meeting. Edmonton, CA. May 7, 2014.


Simon Kaner. 2014.10. Short Interview Article in Tokyo Shimbun, 23 October 2014 (インタビュー)


Simon Kaner . 2014.6. Interview on BBC Radio Norfolk about Japanese archaeology, 14 June 2014


Simon Kaner . 2014 Online Resource for Japanese Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (ORJACH) (with Nakamura Oki and Don Henson). www.ojach.org(インターネット)


飯塚宜子. 2014       「地球たんけんたいってどんなことするの?」FM京都三条ラジオカフェ      エコまちライフ 2014526日放送(ラジオ出演)


飯塚宜子. 2014       「京都の森へ行ってみよう!地球たんけんたい3」大学連携環境学習プログ    ラム, 2014年度.(行政委託事業)


飯塚宜子. 2014       「京都で世界を旅しよう!地球たんけんたい32大学連携環境学習プログ     ラム , 2014年度。(行政委託事業)


飯塚宜子. 2014 地域研究コンソーシアム社会連携プロジェクト「地域研究が創る次世代型環境教育」プロジェクト幹事(2014年~)(社会連携)


池谷和信. 2014       「震災被災者ケアを考える」(岩手日報WebNews)岩手日報2014915     日刊行(報道機関による取材)。


佐々木剛. 2014.11. IPMENを終えて」『月刊宮古わが町』連載(8月号p.43.9月号p. 43.10月号p. 43.11月号pp. 44-45.)(有)タウン情報社、岩手県宮古市。


佐々木剛. 2014       新聞記事取材(岩手日報518日,85日,毎日新聞914日)


佐々木剛. 2014.10. 天然宮古さくらます鮨 1027日発売(限定1600本)


マックグリービー・スティーブン、三村豊、濵田信吾、林憲吾、内山愉太. 2014             メガシティを語る視野と視座:歴史性とデザイン性、そして直感力      Humanity & Nature Newsletter, No. 50, pp.2-6.


内藤大輔、ライアン・セイヤー、ヘザー・スワントン、高橋五月. 2014.8. 共同企画者「『星が降るとき三・一一後の世界に生きる』刊行記念シンポジ  ウム」国際文化会館(東京:88日)


佐々木剛. 2014.3 and 4. IPMENに向けて」『月刊宮古わが町』連載(2月号pp. 14-153月号p. 484月号p. 48.5月号p. 48.6月号p. 18.7月号p. 43.)(有)タウン情報 社、岩手県宮古市。


吉田明弘. 2014.5. 7回東北理学会研究奨励賞(受賞)