
Using plurisecular trajectories of the hydrosystems to improve river management
2019年11月13日(水)15:00 - 17:00
場 所
総合地球環境学研究所 セミナー室 3・4 (⇒アクセス
David ESCHBACH(日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員 / Sorbonne University, METIS Laboratory, Paris)
要 旨

Historical maps and morpho-sedimentary archives allow to reconstruct the temporal trajectory of the hydrosystems. Often neglected, this approach is yet essential: it allow to improve the understanding of the current functioning of the hydrosystem and to anticipate more efficiently and more sustainably future evolution trends. Our presentation will focused on two French studies developed both in the Interdisciplinary Research Program on ENvironnement of the Seine River (PIREN-Seine) and in an ecological restoration project leaded on the Rhine River. These works highlighted the need to consider temporal trajectory of the hydrosystem in order to (i) improve understanding of hydro-morphological functioning of the hydrosystem prior to anthropogenic disturbances, (ii) characterize the human-driven morphodynamic adjustments during the last centuries, and (iii) assess the efficiency and sustainability of the restoration actions. In addition, the current study in progress on Kamogawa will be presented as well as perspectives and possible implications of this work for Japanese rivers.

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