
Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities in West Asia
2018年1月17日(水)13:30 - 15:00
場  所
総合地球環境学研究所 講演室(⇒アクセス)
講 演 者
Mohammed Raouf Aly(Research Fellow, Gulf Research Center)
概  要

The West Asia region is currently facing a number of sustainable development challenges, some of which are longstanding while others are new. Longstanding challenges which have persisted for many decades include pollution related to the oil and gas industry, water scarcity, food security, unsustainable consumption patterns and desertification. New challenges include climate change, rapid urbanization, construction and demolition debris, and, perhaps most surprisingly, domestic energy security.

Despite that there are no. of excellent sustainability initiatives in the region that give hope for a bright future for the region. the lecture will address the following issues:

  • - Introduction about Gulf Research Center and Sustainability Research Program
  • - Environmental Status and Challenges in the region.
  • - Sustainability in:
    • - Water (water footprint)
    • - Energy and future energy in the region
    • - Food
  • - Policy and Governance
  • - New Initiatives and opportunities
  • - Conclusion

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