
日 時
2020年11月12日(木)12:00 - 13日(金)13:00
場 所
総合地球環境学研究所 講演室(⇒ アクセス) およびオンライン(Zoom)
主 催
斉藤和之(IS提案者, 国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構

    Nov. 12 (Day 1) Thu 12:00–17:10 (Nov 11 Wed 18:00–23:10 AKST)

  1. 12:00-12:30 (AKST Nov. 11 (Wed) 18:00-18:30)
  2. 1. Opening Remark, Makoto Taniguchi (RIHN) 10 mins

    2. Project Overview, Kazuyuki Saito (JAMSTEC) 15 mins

  3. (5 mins break)
  4. 12:30-14:55 (AKST 18:30-20:55) Siberia Session (chair: Shirow Tatsuzawa)
  5. 1. Introduction: Background Information and current situation in Siberia

    Shirow Tatsuzawa (Hokkaido Univ.) [10 mins + 5 mins]

    2. Local society and culture around the ice cellars (tentative title)

    Okhlopkov Inokentiy (IBPC), Gavrieva Tuyara (IBPC) [30 mins + 10 mins]

  6. (5 mins break)
  7. 3. Permafrost and people in Siberia (tentative title)

    Alexander Fedorov (Yakutsk Permafrost Institute) [30 mins + 10 mins]

  8. (5 mins break)
  9. 4. Global ice cellar study (tentative title)

    Kenji Yoshikawa (UAF) [30 mins + 10 mins]

  10. 14:55-15:00 Break
  11. 15:00-16:30 (AKST 21:00-22:30) Japan Session (chair: Kazuyuki Saito)
  12. 1. Introduction: current situation in Japan

    Kazuyuki Saito, and Shirow Tatsuzawa [5 mins]

    2. Fuketsu: Wind-induced cellar (tentative title)

    Yuki Sawada (Fukuyama M. Univ.) [20 mins + 5 mins]

    3. Sericulture: Application of Fuketsu (tentative title)

    Yutaka Banno (Kyushu Univ.) [20 mins + 5 mins]

  13. (5 mins break)
  14. 4. Himuro-Yukimuro: Ice and snow storage in Japan and those use

    Iwao Takei (Hokuriku Univ. (retired)) [25 mins + 5 mins]

  15. 16:30-16:40 Break
  16. 16:40-17:10 (AKST 22:40-23:10)
  17. Discussion for the first day sessions

    Nov 13 (Day 2) Fri 9:00–13:10 (Nov 12 Wed 15:00–19:00 AKST)

  18. 9:00-11:30 (AKST Nov. 12 (Thu) 15:00-17:30) Alaska Session (chair: Yu Hirasawa)
  19. 1. Background Information of the Study Area: Geography, Demography, Culture and History

    Yoko Kugo (UAF), Mike Koskey (UAF), Kaare Erickson (the Ukpeaġvik Inupiat Corporation in Utqiagvik, formerly Barrow) and Yu Hirasawa (Univ. East Asia) [25 + 5 mins]

  20. (5 mins break)
  21. 2. Ice cellar storage: From local’s perspective (tentative)

    Kaare Erickson (the Ukpeaġvik Inupiat Corporation in Utqiagvik, formerly Barrow)

    3. Permafrost Environment Changes and Consequences

    Go Iwahana (UAF) [25 + 10 mins]

  22. (5 mins break)
  23. 4. Ataurciurcaraq: Way of Becoming One* -- One Health and Indigenous Way of Knowing

    Arleigh Reynolds (UAF) and Walkie Charles (UAF) [30 + 10 mins]

    * atauciq ‘one’; atauciurte- ‘to become one’; -yaraq ‘way of verbing’; thus atauciurcaraq ‘way of becoming one’ in Yugcetun (Central Yup’ik language)

  24. (5 mins break)
  25. 5. Community Based Participatory Research, Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science

    Mike Koskey [30 + 10 mins]

  26. 11:30-12:00 (17:30-18:00)
  27. Discussion for the second day session

  28. 12:00-12:10 (18:00-18:10)
  29. Break

  30. 12:10-12:40 (18:10-18:40)
  31. Comprehensive discussion

  32. 12:40-13:00 (18:40-19:00)

    Comments from Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Tetsuzo Yasunari

    Closing Remark, Kazuyuki Saito

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  4. 第1回地球研IS課題「凍結を利用した食料の保存・貯蔵文化」公開ワークショップ
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