User Registration

Registration process

Welcome to the APHRODITE's dataset download page.

For security reasons, user registration of this website is run on manually. All Users can download current datasets from DIAS (Data Integration and Analysis System). User registration is necessary for data download.

Links to APHRODITE metadata on DIAS (Data download) are:

Monsoon Asia: APHRO_MA
Middle East: APHRO_ME
Norhterh Eurasia(Russia): APHRO_RU
Combined Eurasia: APHRO_PR
Japan hi-resolution: APHRO_JP
Daily mean temperature(Monsoon Asia): AphroTemp

You can use the dataset on the premise that our conditions and policies are accepted.

If you are going to sign off or change regstered address, email us at

User registration of this website is processed manually about once a week. Thank you for your patience. Sorry for the inconvenience.