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Future Earth

Home > イベント バックナンバー > 2012.12.13-12.14

国際シンポジウム “Future Asia”
科学・技術と社会の架け橋:Future Asiaにおける持続性科学と地球環境変化研究の統合的実践に向けて

主 催:


●GEC-Japan Platform
日 程:2012年12月13日(木)-12月14日(金)
会 場:総合地球環境学研究所 講演室 (arrow アクセス


Panel 1

Panel 2.1

Panel 2.2

Panel 3

Panel 4

Panel 5

参加者リスト: PDFファイル
写 真:

趣 旨:

GEC-Japan Platformは、日本のGlobal Environmental Change Program(IHDP、DIVERSITAS、IGBP、WCRP)のネットワーク・プラットフォームとして、地球環境変化の諸問題に関する情報交換や相互の研究協力の促進・推進を目的として、2011年に総合地球環境学研究所によって開設されました。GEC-Japan Platformの詳細については、 をご参照ください。

今回、本プラットフォーム事業としてInternational Symposium on Future Asiaを開催いたします。現在、GEC-Japan Platformを拠点にアジア全体の地球環境変化研究ネットワークへの発展をめざし、GEC-Japan/Asia Platformの設立を企画しております。それに伴いInternational Symposium on Future Asiaでは、GEC-Japan/Asia Platformの設立に向けて「Future Asia」に関する地球環境変化の共同研究や組織・ネットワーク、およびICSUのFuture Earthプログラムとの連携について議論いたします。

GEC-Japan Secretariat (総合地球環境学研究所)
電話:075-707-2100, Fax:075-707-2106
E-mail: gec-jp[a]
住所: 〒603-8047 京都市北区上賀茂本山457番地4

Day I (13 December 2012, Thursday) 09:00 - 17:15
Opening (09:00 - 09:20)

Welcome Remarks (RIHN) Narufumi Tachimoto
Opening Remarks (International Council for Science) Yuan Tseh Lee
Opening Remarks (Science Council of Japan) Fumiko Kasuga
Agenda setting (RIHN&GEC-Japan/Asia) Makoto Taniguchi

Panel 1: Missing questions (09:20 - 10:50)
Purpose: Figuring out the missing questions in sustainability and environmental change research

Moderator: (RIHN&GEC-Japan/Asia) Aysun Uyar
Missing questions at international level (International Council for Science) Steven Wilson
Missing questions at international and regional levels (International Social Science Council) Mathieu Denis
Missing questions at regional and national levels (Nagoya University&GEC-Japan/Asia) Tetsuzo Yasunari

Break (10:50 - 11:05)
Panel 2.1: Sub-regional potentials and initiatives (11:05 - 12:35)
Purpose: Elaborating sub-regional potentials and country experiences

Moderator: (Science Council of Asia & University of Tsukuba)) Cindy Yoshiko Shirata
Cases from South Asia: India (M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation) Anil Kumar
Cases from Central Asia: Mongolia (RIHN) Zamba Batjargal
Cases from East Asia: China (Michigan State University) Jiaguo Qi
Cases from East Asia: South Korea (Korea Polar Research Institute) Seong-Joon Kim
Lunch (12:35-13:45) / (Optional RIHN Tour, 13:20-13:40)

Panel 2.2: Country-based initiatives: The case of Japan (13:45 - 15:30)
Purpose: Presenting recent research initiatives on sustainability and environmental change in Japan

Moderator: (International Social Science Council) Mathieu Denis Science
Science Council of Japan perspectives (Science Council of Japan) Takashi Onishi
DIVERSITAS-Japan initiatives (DIVERSITAS-Japan & Hokkaido University) Takashi Kohyama
WCRP-Japan initiatives (WCRP-Japan & The University of Tokyo) Teruyuki Nakajima
IGBP-Japan initiatives (IGBP-Japan & The University of Tokyo) Mitsuo Uematsu Mitsuo Uematsu
IHDP-Japan initiatives (IHDP-Japan & Hokkaido University of Education) Yukio Himiyama Yukio Himiyama

Break (15:30 - 16:00)
Panel 3: Feedback from Future Earth and Belmont Forum initiatives (16:00 - 17:30)
Purpose: Follow-up of recent discussions on Future Earth and Belmont Forum initiatives

Moderator: (Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research) Linda Anne Stevenson
Messages from Future Earth regional workshop for Asia-Pacific (ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific) Mohd Nordin Hasan
GEC-Japan/Asia Platform perspectives on Future Earth and Belmont Forum (RIHN&GEC-Japan/Asia) Makoto Taniguchi
Recent agenda of Future Earth and Belmont Forum initiatives (Future Earth Transition Team & Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research) Tandong Yao

Day II (14 December 2012, Friday) 09:00 - 14:00
Panel 4: Regional diversity of transdisciplinary initiatives (09:00 - 10:30)
Purpose: Sharing experiences of regional and international transdisciplinary platforms

Moderator: (Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study) Ai Likun
Asian experiences and international linkages (Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study) Michael Manton
European experience on regional research dynamics (National Committee on Global Change Research) Gernot Klepper
Comparative perspectives towards transdisciplinarity (MEXT) Soichi Mori

Break (10:30 - 11:00)
Panel 5: Is there any Asian type of “Science-Society Interface”? Vision(s) from Asia for sustainability and environmental change research (11:00 - 13:00)
Purpose: General discussion and future interface of the GEC-Japan/Asia Platform

Moderator: (RIHN&GEC-Japan/Asia) Makoto Taniguchi
Comments: International Council for Science (Yuan Tseh Lee), MEXT (Takashi Kiyoura), GEC-Japan/Asia (Tetsuzo Yasunari), NIES (Nobuko Saigusa), IGES (Takashi Otsuka), ICSU-WDS (Yasuhiro Murayama)

General Discussion
Closing Remarks (RIHN) Yo-ichiro Sato
Lunch (13:00 - 14:00)
End of Symposium (14:00)
