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Report on Amur-Okhotsk Project No.6 |
Final reports of the Amur Okhotsk project 2005-2009
- “Preface” SHIRAIWA Takayuki
- “-Synthesis- Final report of the Amur Okhotsk project 2005-2009” SHIRAIWA Takayuki
- “-Group Report 1- Impact of sea ice production and its recent reduction on overturning and material circulation in the Okhotsk Sea and North Pacific” OHSHIMA Kay I., NAKANOWATARI T., NIHASHI S., NISHIOKA J., NAKATSUKA T. and WAKATSUCHI M.
- “-Group Report 2- Iron transport processes and their impacts on primary productivity in the Sea of Okhotsk” NAKATSUKA T., NISHIOKA J., SUZUKI K. and All members of Group 2
- “-Group Report 3- Biogeochemical behavior of iron in the lower Amur River and Amur-Liman” ?NAGAO S., TERASHIMA M., SEKI O., TAKATA H., KAWAHIGASHI M., KODAMA H., KIM V.I., SHESTERKIN V. P., LEVSHINA S. I. and MAKINOV A. N.
- “-Group Report 4- Iron dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems in the Amur River basin” YOH M., SHIBATA H., ONISHI T., KAWAHIGASHI M., GUO Y., OHJI B., YAMAGATA K., SHAMOV V. V., LEVSHINA S. I., NOVOROTSKAYA A., MATYUSHKINA L., YAN B., WANG D., PAN X., ZHANG B., CHEN X., HUANG B., CHI G., SHI Y., SHI F., XU X., ZHANG K., CAI T. and SHENG H.
- “-Group Report 5- Analyses on underlying causes behind Land-use / Land-cover changes” KAKIZAWA H., PARK H., SAKASHITA A. and YAMANE M.
- “-Group Report 6- Land use and land cover change study” HARUYAMA S., KONDOH A. , YAMAGATA K., MUROOKA M. and MASUDA Y.
- “-Group Report 7- Spatial distribution of air-borne Fe deposition into the northern North Pacific” MATOBA S., MINAMI H., NISHIOKA J., ONO T., NOMURA M., NARITA Y., UEMATSU M., MURAVYEV Y. D. and SHIRAIWA T.
- “-Group Report 8- Natural variability of the hydro-metrological and hydro-chemical conditions” ONISHI T., TACHIBANA Y., KUBOTA J. and TAKAHARA H.
- “-Group Report 9- Modeling intermediate water and iron in the Sea of Okhotsk and the northern North Pacific” MITSUDERA F., UCHIMOTO K., NAKAMURA T., NISHIOKA J., KISHI M. J., OKUNISHI T., ONO Y., YAMASHITA T., TSUMUNE D., MISUMI K. and MATSUDA H.
- “-Group Report 10- The legal, political situations and a future conservation strategy of the giant fish-breeding forest”? HANAMATSU Y., HORIGUCHI T. and ENDO T.
―Appendix 1―Agenda Statement for the Conservation of the Amur-Okhotsk Ecosystem
―Appendix 2―Joint Declaration by Researchers toward the Environmental Conservation of the Sea of Okhotsk and Surrounding Regions
Reports from members
- “Natural factors of Amur runoff and sediment deposit formation” MAKHINOV Alexei N.
- “Experience of joint Russian - Chinese monitoring of water quality in the transboundary water objects” IVANOVA Elena G.
- “Hydrological regime of the Amur River and changes caused by economic activities” KIM Vladimir. I.
- “Dynamics of water turbidity in the Amur lower reaches and the Amur Liman” KIM V. I., KOZLOVSKY V. B., MAKHINOV A. N., SHESTERKIN V. P., KUZNETSOV A. М. , RYZHOV D. А., NAGAO S., SEKI O. and KAWAHIGASHI M.
- “Multiyear dynamics of nitrogen mineral forms in Amur water near Khabarovsk” SHESTERKIN Vladimir.P.
- “Biogeochemical factors of water quality formation in the Amur Liman” KONDRATYEVA Lyubov M.
- “Organic matter and iron geochemical migration in Amur River waters” LEVSHINA Svetlana I.
- “Geochemistry of fresh ground water of Artesian basins in the Russian part of Priamurye” KULAKOV Valery V.
- “Geochemistry and sources of thermal water content in the Russian part of the Amur basin”KULAKOV Valery V.
- “Concentration and species of dissolved iron in waters in Sanjiang plain, China” YAN B. , ZHANG B., YOH M. and PAN X.
- “Impacts of reclamation on distribution and transport of iron in soils of Sanjiang plain, northeast China” CHEN X., CHI G., HUANG B., KAWAHIGASHI M., SHI Y. and YOH M.
- “Iron dynamics in forest ecosystems: effects of topography and vegetation type” XU X. , ZHANG K., CAI T., SHENG H. and SHIBATA H.
- “Evaluation of land cover change impacts on dissolved iron flux of the Amur River” ONISHI T., SHIBATA H., YOH M., NAGAO S., PARK H. and SHAMOV V.V.
- “Weather conditions suitable for spring floods in north Eurasia and their frequency during the last decades” SHMAKIN Andrey B.
- “Land use change of Sanjiang plain--the middle reach of the Amur River basin in China after 2000 year” ZHANG B., LIU W., WANG Z. and SONG K.
- “The wetland distributions of the Kiya river using remote sensing” MUROOKA M., HARUYAMA S., YAMAGATA K. and KUWAHARA Y.
- “The landscape changes after 1930 using two kinds of land use maps (1930 and 2000)” GANZEY S. S., ERMOSHIN V. V. and. MISHINA N. V.
- “GIS creation of Amur River basin for land-use management: results and prospects (Amur River basin: Russia, China, Mongolia)” ERMOSHIN V. V. and GANZEY S.S.
- “Foreign trade relations between Russia, China and Japan as factor of Land use/cover changes in the Amur River basin” MISHINA N. V.
- “Characteristic of agricultural development on Sanjiang plain, China -from a macro aspect of the paddy fields development of state farm-(in Japanese)” PARK H. and SAKASHITA A.
“中国三江平原における農業開発の特質−国有農場の水田開発に着目して−” 朴紅・坂下明彦
- “Temporal and spatial dynamics of human impacts on forest resources in the Amur River basin after the mid-twentieth century” YAMANE Masanobu
- “Ecological state of the Amur River” VORONOV Boris. A.
- “Threats and risks to sustainable development in the Amur River basin” BAKLANOV P. Ya. and VORONOV B. А.
Report on Amur-Okhotsk Project No.5 |
- “Preface” Shiraiwa Takayuki
- “Report of the research expedition in the Sea of Okhotsk for 2007” Nakatsuka T., Nishioka J. , YasudaI., Scherbinin A.and all Japanese and Russian participants in the cruise
- “Importance of tidal mixing process at kruis strait for iron supply to western subarctic pacific, oyashio region” Nishioka J., Nakatsuka Tt., Kuma K., Volkov Y. and Scherbinin A.
- “Geochemical behavior of dissolved iron in waters from the Amur River, Amur-liman and Sakhalin bay” Nagao S., Terashima M., Takata H., Seki O., Kim V. I., Shesterkin V. P., Levshina I. S. and Makhinov A. N.
- “Hydrochemistry of bogs and rivers in swamped massifs of the lower Amur” Shesterkin Vladimir P.
- “Stream flow distribution between the sub-channels within the middle-Amur Plain” Kim V.I., Makhinov A.N., Nagao S., Seki O. and Kawahigashi M.
- “Biogenic studies of polycyclic carbons discharge from the Amur River into the Far Eastern Seas” Kondratyeva L.M. and Stukova O.Y.
- “Specifics of organic substance geochemical migration and phytoplankton distribution in the system Amur River: Amur Liman” Levshina S. I. and Karetnikova E A..
- “Biogeochemical behaviors of dissolved iron in sanjiang plain, china: discharge, chemical forms, and year-to-year variation” Yoh M., Guo Y., Wang D. and Yan B.
- “Effect of lucc on concentration of iron in aquatic systems and flux of various forms iron in main rivers in sanjiang plain” Yan B., Zhang B., and Pan X.
- “Effects of land use change on the distribution and mobility of soil iron in Sanjiang plain, northeast China” Chen X., Chi G., You M., Shi Y, Lu C., Wang J., and Zhou L.
- “Foliar fe contents of dominant tree andwater-extractable Fe of soil in forests in the northeastern China” Xu X. Cai T. and Shibata H.
- “Specifics of concentrations and distribution of dissolved organic carbon in the Gassi Lake basin (Lower Amur, Russia)” Levshina S. I., Matushkina L. A., Shamov V. V., Novorotskaya A. G. and Yoh M.
- “Forest policy reform of Russian Federation” Kakizawa Hiroaki
- “Recent developments of the sino-russo timber trade in the amur basin” Yamane Masanobu
- “Formation and operation of paddy fields agriculture at the Sanjiang plain - A pre-research of farm households bookkeeping analysis“Park H. and Sakashita A.
- “Medical-ecological studies in The Amur Basin (Russia): to problem of oncology” Kosykh N. E., Pinaev S. K., Savin S. Z. and Shamov V. V.
- “Landform and land use change of Heilongjiang province, North East China” Haruyama S., Murooka M., Masuda Y., Yamagata K. and Kondo A.
- “Salinized wasteland expansion in western northeast China during 1975-2004” Zhang B. and Wang Z.
- “Compilation of soil map for AmurRiver Basin: The main parameters” Ermoshin V.V. and Pshenichnikova N.F.
- “Role of forest trade relations between Russia, Japan and China in development and utilization of The Amur Basin’s forest” Mishina Natalia V.
- “Iron flux over the subarctic Pacific estimated by an ice-core record from Mt. Wrangell, Alaska” Matoba S., Sasaki H., and Shiraiwa T.
- “Wind- and buoyancy-driven intermediate layer circulation in the sea of Okhotsk” Mitsudera H., Matsuda J., Nakamura T., Uchimoto K. and Ebuchi N.
- “Long-term trend of dissolved iron concentration and hydrological model incorporating dissolved iron production mechanism of the Amur River basin” Onishi T., Shibata H., Nagao S., Park H., Yoh M. and Shamov V.V.
- “Iron flux behavior anomaly in the Amur Basin in 1990s: Feasible reasons” Shamov V.V., Onishi T. and Kulakov V.V.
Report on Amur-Okhotsk Project No.4 |
- "Progress report of the Amur-Okhotsk project 2006" Shiraiwa Takayuki
- "Particle tracking experiment on a model of the OkhotskSea: spreading of the Amur origin water"Ohshima Kay I. and Simizu D.
- "Decrease of sea ice production in the Okhotsk sea causes weakening of overturning in the northwestern north pacific ?"Ohshima Kay I., Nakanowatari T. and Wakatsuchi M.
- "How can the iron from Amur River support the primary productivity in North Pacific Ocean?[Intermediate-water iron hypothesis” and its evidences from the research cruise in 2006]" Nakatsuka Takeshi and All members of Research Groups 1 & 2
- "Migration behavior of Fe in the AmurRiver basin" Nagao S., Terashima M., Kodama H., Kim V. I., Shesterkin P. V. and Makhinov A. N.
- “Assessment of the discharge of some chemical substances from the Amur into the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk” Makhinov A.N., Kim V.I., Kuznetsov A.M. and Ruzhov D.A.
- “Dynamics of the lower Amur water chemical composition in 2006” Shesterkin Vladimir P.
- “Hydrochemistry of the Amur Liman and the SakhalinBay” Shesterkin Vladimir P.
- “Removal and fractionation characteristics of dissolved iron in estuarine mixing zone” Terashima M. and Nagao S.
- “Biogeochemical processes of iron and related elements in terrestrial ecosystem of Amur River” Shibata H., Yoh M., Ohji B., Guo Y., Shi F., Cai T., Xu X., Wang D., Yan B. and Shamov V.V.
- “Dynamic changes of soil organic carbon under different land use type in Sanjiang Plain” Chi G., Wang J., Lu C., Chen X., Shi Y. and Zhou L.
- “Forest development process of Khabarovsk Krai and full-fledged revision of fundamental forest law of Russian Federation” Kakizawa Hiroaki
- “Overview of forest degradation and conservation efforts in the Amur basin in the twentieth century, with a focus on Heilongjiang province, China” Yamane Masanobu
- “Development of water facilities, farm land and land use change in Sanjiang plain” Sakashita A. and Park H.
- “Evaluation of land-cover change in Amur basin using NDVI derived from NOAA/AVHRR PAL dataset” Haruyama S. , Masuda Y., Kondoh A., Murooka M. and Yamagata K.
- “The basic features of land-use in Amur River watershed” Ganzey S.S., Yermoshin V.V., Mishina N.V. and Shiraiwa T.
- “Creation of GIS for AmurRiver basin: the basic geographical information” Yermoshin V.V., Ganzey S.S., Murzin A.V., Mishina N.V. and Kudryavtzeva E. P.
- “Analysis of land cover on the Sanjiang plain, China, using JERS-1/SAR data” Murooka M., Haruyama S., Masuda Y., Yamagata K. and Kondoh A.
- “Geomorphological research in Sanjian plain 2006” Yamagata K., Haruyama S., Masuda Y. and Murooka M.
- “Some aspects of foreign trade relations of the Amur-Okhotsk region’s countries” Mishina Natalia V.
- “Preliminary report on chemical analysis of aerosols collected at Oktyabr’sky, Kamchatka, Russia” Matoba S., Minami H., Narita Y. and Uematsu M.
- “Ice core drilling at MountIchinsky, Kamchatka, Russia” Matoba Sumito and Ichinsky glaciological expedition members
- “Runoff properties of the Amur River and the construction of the hydrological model incorporating dissolved iron transport” Onishi Takeo
- “A lower trophic ecosystem model including iron effect in the OkhotskSea” Okunishi T. and Kishi M. J.
(低温研) |
「アムール・オホーツクプロジェクト全体会議No.2」 プログラムはこちら→→ |
(コープイン京都) |
「アムール・オホーツクプロジェクト全体会議」 プログラムはこちら→→ |
( 低温研) |
「アムール川水文モデル構築に向けての会議」 プログラムはこちら→→ |
Report on Amur-Okhotsk Project No.3
- Preface SHIRAIWA Takayuki
- "The Amur Okhotsk Project"SHIRAIWA Takayuki
- "AmurRiver Basin: Regional and Global Importance"SHCHEKA Oleg L.
- "Problems of Creation of GIS-Support for The AmurRiver Basin Project "BAKLANOV P.Ya., ERMOSHIN V.V. and GANZEY S.S.
- "Biogeochemical Transport of Iron from Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Three RiversPlain of Northeast China to Nearby Waters: Research Proposal"ZHOU L., CHEN X., CHEN L. and SHI Y.
- "Circulation and Heat/Salt Transport in the Sea of Okhotsk and Its Relation to Sea Ice"OHSHIMA Kay I
- "Biological Productivity and Material Transport in the Sea of Okhotsk"NAKATSUKA Takeshi
- "Trace Metals of Bottom Sediments of The Amur River and Its Estuary: Sampling 1994-95"KOT Fyodor S.
- "A Lower Trophic Ecosystem Model Including Iron Effect in the OkhotskSea"OKUNISHI T., KISHI M.J., ONO Y. and YAMASHITA T.
- " Amur Terrigene and Chemical Discharge Formation " MAKHINOV Alexei N.
- "Transport of Biogeochemical Materials from The Amur River to The Sea of Okhotsk"NAGAO Seiya
- "Amur Hydrochemical Regime in Winter
" SHESTERKIN Vladimir P.
- "Biogenic Substances in Mountain Stream Water in the Lower Amur
" SHESTERKIN Vladimir P.
- " Analysis of Changes in Water Quality of the SonghuaRiver in 2003 " SHI F. and LI R.
- "Processes of Iron Transport from Terrestrial Ecosystem to River:−Preliminary Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Iron Concentrations in Amur River −
"SHIBATA Hideaki
- "Kosa Records in an Ice Core from Mt. Logan, Yukon, Canada" MATOBA S. and SHIRAIWA T.
- "Land Cover Change in Heilongjian Farm Group Company of China
" ZHANG B., WANG Z., LI J. and LI F.
- "Land Use and Land Cover of River Basin-Amur:−Geographical View and Human Impact−
" HARUYAMA Shigeko
- "The Geographical Analysis of The Trans-BoundaryTerritory (Primorskii and Khabarovskii Krais of Russia ? HeilongjiangProvince of China)
"MISHINA Natalia V.
- "Underlying Causes of Land Use Change and Degradation of Natural Resources in The AmurBasin
- "Role of Humic Substances on Transport of Terrestrial Materials from
River to Ocean" 「河川を通しての陸から海への物質輸送−腐植物質の特性と錯形成能−」 NAGAO Seiya
会報誌第2号 として編集しました。
Report on Amur-Okhotsk Project No.2
- Preface Narita Hideki
- "Human Activities in Northeastern Asia and Their Impact to the Biological Productivity in North Pacific Ocean" Narita H., Shiraiwa T. and Nakatsuka T.
- "Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: History, Structure, and a Role in the Asia - Pacific Region" Shcheka Oleg L.
- "Complex Surveys of the Amur River Basin" Voronov Boris A.
- "Natural and Anthropogenic Factors of the Amur River Runoff Formation" Makhinov Alexei N.
- "Combined Methods for Amur River Pollution Assessment. Ecosystem Approach." Kondrajeva Lubov
- "Iron Content in the Middle Amur in Winter Low Water Period" Schesterkin Vladimir P.
- "Amur Basin Water Quality Assessment Based on Zoobenthos Composition" Sirotsky S.E., Makarchenko E.A. and Makarchenko M.A.
- "Possible Fundamental Sources of Dissolved Iron in Terrestrial Environments:Their Mechanisms, Presumed Anthropogenic Impact, and Research Needs." Yoh Muneoki
- "Export of Dissolved Iron and the Related Solutes from Terrestrial to Stream Ecosystems in Northern Part of Hokkaido, Northern Japan" Shibata H., Konohira E. Satoh F. and Sasa, K.
- "Biogeochemistry of Iron in Seawater" Kuma Kenshi
- "Iron Study in the Sea of Okhotsk -Comparison to the Subarctic Pacific-" Nishioka Jun
- "On Mercury Speciation and Postsedimentation Fate in Pelagic Sediments of the Sea of Japan" Kot Fyodor S.
- "Variability of a Chemical Composition of the Snow Covers in a Background Areas of Sikhote-Alin as an Index of the Trans-boundary Transfere of Contamination" Kachur A.N. and Kondratyev I.I.
- "Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Margin of Eurasia in Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic" Sorokin A.P. and Artyomenko T.V.
- "Basic Stages and Tendencies of the Land Use Development in the Amur River Basin" Baklanov P.Ya. and Ganzei S.S.
- "A Study of the Land Use In Songhua River Basin of China" Zhang B., Wang Z. and Duan H.
- "Dynamics of Forest Resources in Russia and Related Changes in Forest Management and Policies −Focusing on the Khabarovsk Region" Kakizawa Hiroaki
成果発表 |
第3回プロジェクト会議 |
第2回プロジェクト会議 |