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Amur River and the Sea of Okhotsk
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   Giant Fish-Breeding Forest Hypothesis
The GFBF hypothesis presents new perspectives in global environmental issues: an ecological linkage between the continent and open sea, the relating of less dependent stakeholders in the system, and finding environmental common ground across complex international boundaries. Multidisciplinary approaches are indispensable in studying and conserving the GFBF because stakeholders need to understand how to achieve a sustainable marine ecosystem in the Sea of Okhotsk and Oyashio region without limiting human activity on land.
We believe the GFBF can be a test bed for global environmental problems in general. Connecting less dependent stakeholders could be a first step in coping with complicated environmental issues. We attempt to visualize socio-economic relationships inside the GFBF system to demonstrate how stakeholders are related to each other unconsciously. Establishment of the concept will help bring together people who have been separated for many years under political tensions.
sea model
Scheme of numerical marine biological model
for the Sea of Okhotsk
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