

  • 14ken Zemi   Every the 3rd Thursday !

  • Date :  December, 15(Thu) 15:00-16:00

    Place : Room 14. Meeting Space 

    Speaker :  Dr.Kazuhiro Oshima

  • Siberia Project Workshop

    Date: July, 7-8 ( Thu‐Fri )

    Place: RIHN  Seminar Room 3 & 4 


International WS

  • 「2nd International Conference:
    Reflections on Russian relationships " Center-Periphery」

    Date: May 28-29,2011

    Place: Korea University (Seoul, Korea)

    Hiyama PL and Mr.Sugimoto participated


  • Takakura, Hiroki, 2009, The concept of manhood in post-socialist Siberia: The Sakha father as a wise hunter and a pastoralist, Sibirica, 8(1), 45-67
  • Dewan, A.M. and Yamaguchi, Y., 2008, Effect of land cover changes on flooding: example from Greater Dhaka of Bangladesh, International Journal of Geoinformatics, 4 (1), 11-20
  • Dewan, A.M. and Yamaguchi, Y., 2008, Using remote sensing and GIS to detect and monitor land use and land cover change in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladesh during 1960-2005, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s/10661-008-0226-5
  • Ito, T., Matsumoto, K., Tenaka, C., Ohta, T., 2008, Evaluating the effects of stomata development and senescence on the seasonal variation in stomatal conductance, Hydrological Research Letters, 2, 41-44
  • Kato, S., Yamaguchi, Y., Liu, C.C., and Sun, C.Y., 2008, Surface heat balance analysis of Tainan city on March 6, 2001 using ASTER and Formosat-2 data, Sensors, 8, 6026-6044; DOI: 10.3390/s8096026
  • Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Daikoku, K., Iida, S., Yabuki, S., Kononov, A.V., van der Molen, M.K., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T.C., Dolman, A.J., Hattori, S., 2008, Energy consumption and evapotranspiration at several boreal and temperate forests in the Far East, Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1978-1989
  • Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Daikoku, K., Iida, S., Yabuki, H., Kononov, A.V., van der Molen, M.K., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T.C., Dolman, A.J., Hattori S., 2008, Responses of surface conductance to forest environments in the Far East, Agric. For. Meteorol., 140: 1926-1940
  • Maximov, T.C., Ohta, T., Dolman, A.J., 2008, Water and energy exchange in East Siberian forest: A synthesis, Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 2013-2018
  • Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., van der Molen, M.K., Kodama, Y., Kononov A.V., Maximov, T.C., Dolman, A.J., Yabuki, H., Hara, T., Ohta, T., 2008, Parameterization of aerodynamic roughness over boreal, cool- and warm-temperate forests, Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1916-1925
  • Noda, A. and Yamaguchi, Y., 2008, Characterizing urban sprawl using remote sensing, GIS and a spatial metric for a medium-sized city in Japan, Int. J. of Geoinformatics, 4(1), 43-50
  • Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C., A. Dolman, A.J., Nakai, T., van der Molen, M.K., Kononov, A.V., Maximov, A.P., Hiyama, T., Iijima, Y., Moors, E.J., Tanaka, H., Toba, T., Yabuki, H., 2008, Interannual variation of water balance and summer evapotranspiration in an eastern Siberian larch forest over a 7-year period (1998–2006), Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1941-1953
  • Park, H., T. Yamazaki, K. Yamamoto and T. Ohta, 2008, Tempo-spatial characteristics of energy budget and evapotranspiration in the Eastern Siberia, Agricultural Forest Meteorology, 148, 1990-2005
  • Suzuki, K., Y. Kodama, T. Yamazaki, K. Kosugi, Y. Nakai, 2008, Snow accumulation on evergreen needle-leaved and deciduous broad-leaved trees, Boreal Environment Research, 13, 403-416
  • Tanaka,H., Hiyama, T., Kobayashi, N., Yabuki, H., Ishii, Y., Desyatkin,R.V., Maximov, T.C., Ohta, T., 2008, Energy balance and its closure over a young larch forest in eastern Siberia, Agric. For. Meteorol., 140, 1954-1967
  • Toba, T. and Ohta, T., 2008, Factors affecting rainfallinterception determined by a forest simulator and numerical model, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 22, 2634–2643
  • Britton B. Stephens, Kevin R. Gurney, Pieter Tans, Colm Sweeney, Wouter Peters, Lori Bruhwiler, Philippe Ciais, Michel Ramonet, Philippe Bousquet, Takakiyo Nakazawa, Shuji Aoki, Toshinobu Machida, Gen Inoue, Nikolay Vinnichenko, Jon Lloyd, Armin Jordan, Olga Shibistova, Ray Langenfelds, Paul Steele, Roger Francey, Scott Denning, 2007, Weak Northern and Strong Tropical Land Carbon Uptake from Vertical Profiles of Atmospheric CO2, Science, 316, 1732-2735