Individual Collaboration FS

Biocultural Diversity in the Asia-Pacifi c: Towards Dynamic Transmission of Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Principal Investigator

ONISHI Masayuki


Area : The Asia-Pacific region, including, Sikkim/North Bengal/Jharkhand (India), Laos, Okinawa, and Bougainville (Papua New Guinea)

Conceptual Framework of the Project

Conceptual Framework of the Project

This project will improve understanding of the relationships between biological diversity and cultural diversity in the diversity hotspots of the Asia-Pacific Region. Project research will document and analyze the traditional ecological knowledge systems that provide the key interface between these twin realms of diversity. The project has been code-signed by researchers and local people, and will include documentation of diversity, production of an integrated multidisciplinary database, and analysis of the drivers of change from environmental and social perspectives. In bringing project findings to decision makers at the national, regional and global levels of governance, the project will contribute to development of dynamic models of biocultural heritage transmission that will lead to the improvement of local lives and the maintenance of local ecosystems.