Long-term Sustainability through Place-based, Small-scale Economies: Approaches from Historical Ecology*

Principal Investigator

HABU Junko

University of California, Berkeley

*PR in 2013 TBD

Region: the North Pacific Rim, including Japan, the Kuril Islands, the Russian Far East, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest Coast, California and Nevada

This project examines the importance of place-based, small-scale and diversified economies for the long-term sustainability of human societies. Archaeological, historical, ethnohistorical and paleoenvironmental studies will test our hypothesis that long-term community sustainability has been directly linked to community scale and food system diversity. Ethnographic studies of small-scale communities and food systems will allow comparative analysis of corresponding cultural and natural factors in contemporary urban and rural food systems. In combination, historical and contemporary studies will point to the future, as the research process also involves discussion and collaborative design of ecologically sound and equitable food systems.

Figure 1