The 190th RIHN seminar
"Can agriculture and nature conservation co-exist at forest-agriculture frontiers?"

Date: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, 13:00-16:00
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Registration: Pre-registration is required. Please contact to International Affairs Subsection ( kokusai☆ (Please change ☆ to @.)) to register.
Organized: RIHN
Language: English
Lecturer / Title: "Assessing nature's contributions to people: A plural values approach for understanding transitions at forest-agriculture frontiers"
Prof. Unai Pascual (Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3))

"Swidden transformation and its influence on fallow forests with wild tea and other NTFPs: a case study in Japan, Laos, and Myanmar"
Prof. Shinya Takeda (Kyoto University)

"Living with(in) Protected Areas – does the separation of protected areas from agricultural land work in practice?"
Prof. Ole Mertz (University of Copenhagen/Invited Scholar)
Overview: Prof. Unai Pascual (Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)), Prof. Shinya Takeda (Kyoto University) and Prof. Ole Mertz (University of Copenhagen/Invited Scholar) will address how land use competition between smallholder agriculture and areas set aside for nature protection materialize and how discursive and other immaterial flows influence the social-ecological changes taking place at local level. The seminar will include global and local analyses and address some of the core dilemmas at forest-agriculture frontiers, e.g. how shifting cultivation can co-exist with and influence various forms of nature and landscape protection, and how widely practiced land sparing approaches through agricultural intensification may (or may not) secure nature protection.
Programme: 13.00-13.10

Prof. Unai Pascual: Assessing nature's contributions to people: A plural values approach for understanding transitions at forest-agriculture frontiers

Prof. Shinya Takeda: Swidden transformation and its influence on fallow forests with wild tea and other NTFPs: a case study in Japan, Laos, and Myanmar


Prof. Ole Mertz: Living with(in) Protected Areas – does the separation of protected areas from agricultural land work in practice?

General discussion

Moderator: Associate professor Grace Wong, RIHN
Contact: International Affairs Subsection ( kokusai☆ (Please change ☆ to @.) )