The 2nd Meeting of the Manga Academic Research Association, cosponsored by RIHN and Seika University
"The Art of Making and the Technical Milieu"

Date: Thursday,October 10, 2019, 13:00 - 14:30 Flyer
Venue: Lecture Hall, RIHN ( →Access)
Speaker: Frédéric Joulian, An anthropologist and Associate Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales・Marseille
Language: English
Admission Free
Outline: This conference revisits a little-known history between Japan and France: the anthropological study of technical savoir-faire (know-how), initiated by anthropologist André Leroi-Gourhan in Kyoto in the late 1930s. We will explore how the relatively separate disciplines of material culture studies in Japan and France can be grounded on new common research interests. In recent decades, anthropological research in French-speaking regions has studied both traditional artisan's skills and high-tech industrial know-how, and the hybridization of the two. We will try to show that certain key concepts such as those of milieu, of operational sequence, of body technique, of Waza or of functional aesthetics, can enable us to link the study of know-how in cultures across time and space.
Contact: Center for Innovation in Traditional Industries, Kyoro Seika University
Email: E-mail
Instagram / Twitter: seika_craft
Event Page(Kyoro Seika University)