The 87 th RIHN seminar

Date: 28 March 2013 (Tue.)
Time: 14:30 –
Venue: Meeting space in Room 5, RIHN ( → Access)
Title: Science and policy interface on environmental sustainability in Mongolia:
social turbulence and climate stress
Speaker: Dr. ZAMBA, Batjargal
(Visiting Research Fellows, RIHN project "Collapse and Restoration of Ecosystem Networks with Human Activity" / Consultant, World Meteorological Organization)


It can be assumed that the current failure of governance, in terms of environmental sustainability in many countries, particularly in Mongolia, is associated with lack of an adequate and workable interface between policy and decision making camps and knowledgegeneration communities, including scientific institutions.
The presentation would demonstrate some examples of social turbulence and climate related stresses on livelihood of local people in Mongolia and highlight a potential of science and coherent policy exercises.

Shoko SAKAI (Associate Professor, RIHN)
Ryosuke KODA (Researcher, RIHN)
Phone : +81-75-707-2306
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
457-4 Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8047, Japan
Fax : +81-75-707-2507