- 【プログラム】
11:00-11:10 |
Prof. Tsugihiro WATANABE, RIHN, Japan |
11:10-11:55 | “Current status of Water Uses Association (WUA) and WUA's role in farm land and water management in the IWRM” Dr. Ir. Moh. Yanuar Jarwadi PURWANTO, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia |
11:55-12:35 | “Current Situation and Problems of Agricultural Water Management in Egypt” Dr. Waleed Hassan Abou El HASSAN, Water Management Research Institute (WMRI), National Water Research Center(NWRC), Egypt |
12:35-13:30 | Lunch Break |
13:30-14:30 | Participating in the RIHN International Symposium “Impacts of Increasing Flood Risk on food & Health Security in Southeast Asia”
Keynote Addresses
“Increasing Flood Risk and Available Managerial Options in Southeast Asia”Dr. Kuniyoshi TAKEUCHI, ICHARM, Japan
“Impacts of Increasing Flood Risk on Food & Health Security in Southeast Asia”Dr. Ryohei KADA, RIHN, Japan
14:30-14:50 | Coffee Break |
14:50-15:35 | “Water Resources Management in Egypt” Prof. Mohamed Fawzy BAKRY, National Water Research Center(NWRC), Egypt |
15:35-16:20 | “The result of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM): in the cases of irrigation systems in Bohol, Philippines” Prof. Ieko KAKUTA, Asia University, Japan |
16:20-17:05 | “Understanding the Cultural Values in Agriculture and Water Management” Dr. David J. GROENFELDT, Water-Culture Institute, USA |
17:05-17:45 | General Discussions (Moderator: Dr. Ulara TAMURA, RIHN) |
17:45 | Closing Prof. Ken'ichi NAKAGAMI, Ritsumeikan University, Japan |
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