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フューチャー・デザイン・ワークショップ20「Future generation boards: no time travel needed」

2022年12月5日(月)15:00 - 16:30
実践プログラム(旧 実践プログラム3)
Professors Nick Barter and Akihiro Omura (Griffith University in Australia)

The argument of this talk is that a practical turn regarding future generations should be taken. This practical turn is to consider a generation as a timespan of 30 years, rather some undetermined time, such as those individuals not yet born. To demonstrate the importance of this move, our initial work has been conducted on the Climate Active 100+ corporations (which are responsible for 80% of greenhouse gas emissions), we are now expanding to a larger dataset. Our findings indicate that age matters and corporations led by younger CEOs are more likely to have a net-zero by 2050 climate policy relative to those led by older CEOs.

This result is a concern, as at this time younger people are suffering anxiety about their future. CEOs can do more. Future Generation Boards could result in more sustainable outcomes for all those in society, as opposed to decisions being limited to the because of the time CEOs have left to live. This talk is about starting a debate on the viability of future generations boards, especially as climate change is but one of the crises we will face in the coming decades.

実践プログラム(旧 実践プログラム3)
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