Asian Precipitation - Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of Water Resources
(APHRODITE's Water Resources)

The APHRODITE project develops state-of-the-art daily precipitation datasets with high-resolution grids for Asia. The datasets are created primarily with data obtained from a rain-gauge-observation network. The status of data collection and the domains we use to create the daily grids are shown on the Products page.

APHRODITE's Water Resources project has been conducted by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) and the Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency (MRI/JMA) since 2006. Our domestic members are listed here.

Our approach and objectives are presented on the Scope page. We welcome various types of collaboration, particularly the collection of rain-gauge-observation data and feedback from grid-data users. Our collaborators are listed here.


APHRODITE-2 products are published in APHRODITE-2 website.
We released V1801_MA, V1101EXR1, V1808_MA(temperature) and APHRO_JP(V1207R3).
APHRODITE-2 new website is open! Please visit HERE for the latest information.
APHRODITE-2 project has just started.
APHRODITE homepage is renewed!