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Workshop on the Linkage between CyHV-3(KHV) and Humans

日 程: 2010年5月13日(木)〜5月18日(木)
場  所: The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
主 催: 総合地球環境学研究所「病原生物と人間の相互作用環」プロジェクト
The Hebrew University, Hadassah School of Medicine, Iarael
要 旨
コイは世界の貴重なタンパク源であると同時に文化的要素になっている。ところが1990年後半から世界中にコイヘルペスウイルス(KHV)感染症が発生し、社会的な問題になっている。この問題の解決には KHV感染症の病理学の立場からの理解と共に、KHVとコイと環境との相互作用の理解と防除に関する社会の取り組みが不可欠である。本シンポジウムは「環境ーKHV感染症ー人間の相互作用環」をDNAから人間社会まで様々なレベルで検討する。
Open remarks

Prof. Moshe Kotler (Dep. of Pathology,The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Israel)

The development of aquaculture in Israel

Prof. Itzhak Bejerano (Dor Aquaculture Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Israel)

Linkage of environment, KHV and humans

Prof. Zen'ichiro Kawabata (RIHN)

Aquaculture - Environment interactions: the Beth-Shean Valley experience (Israel)

Drs. Rama Falk and Nir David(Dep. of Pathology,The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Israel)

Saprolegnia and tilapia aquaculture in Israel

Prof. Itzhack Polacheck (Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel)

Detection of cyprinid herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) in environmental water and sediments

Drs. Mie N. Honjo, Toshifumi Minamoto, and Prof. Zen'ichiro Kawabata (RIHN)

Seasonal dynamics of CyHV-3 in natural freshwater environments

Drs. Toshifumi Minamoto, Mie N. Honjo, and Prof. Zen'ichiro Kawabata (RIHN)

Development of microdevices and measurement methods in water environmental studies

Drs. Tomoaki Itayama1), Masahiro Koide2), Nobuyuki Tanaka3), Tomoyuki Yasukawa4), Tomokazu Matsue5), Zen'ichiro Kawabata1)
1)RIHN, 2) National Institute for Environmental Studies, 3) Nonprofit Organization Institute of Ecological Engineering, 4) University of Hyougo, 5) Tohoku University

Towards development of genetically improved resistance of carp to CyHV-3

Dr. Lior David (The faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality, Rehovot , Israel)

From genes to aquaculture

Dr. Berta Sivan (The faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality, Rehovot, Iarael)

Biological water treatment in re-circulating systems

Prof. J. Van Rijn (The faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality, Rehovot, Israel)

Transcription of CyHV-3 at permissive and restrictive temperature and its immune-related genes

Dr. Maya Ilouze (Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel)

KV-3 vaccine - from lab to industry

Dr. Arnon Dishon (Dep. of Pathology,The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Israel)

Humeral immune response in virus vaccinated fish

Prof. Michael Steinitz (Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel)

(総合地球環境学研究所 教授)

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