

Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

Akinori KITSUKI and Takeshi SAKURAI, Hitotsubashi University, are the authors of the working paper titled"
WP2008-001 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2008-001

Synthesis of Soil Management Options for Better Targeting of Technologies and Ecological Resilience under Variable Environmental Conditions

Moses Mwale (Zambia Agriculture Research Institute)

(March 2008)

Working Paper No. 2008-001 Download PDF (320KB)

WP2008-002 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2008-002

Impact of 2004/2005 Drought on Zambia’s Agricultural Production: Preliminary Results

Thamana Lekprichakul (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)

(March 2008)

Working Paper No. 2008-002 Download PDF (270KB)

WP2008-003 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2008-003

Vulnerability and Resilience of Rural Society in Zambia: From the View Point of Land Tenure and Food Security

Gear M. Kajoba (Department of Geography, University of Zambia)

(March 2008)

Working Paper No. 2008-003 Download PDF (340KB)

WP2008-004 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2008-004

Socio-Ecological Vulnerability and Resilience in an Arena of Rapid Environmental Change: Community Adaptation to Climate Variability in the Upper Zambezi Floodplain

Lawrence S. Flint (Enda Tiers Monde-Programme Energie Dakar, Senegal)

(June 2008)

Working Paper No. 2008-004 Download PDF (2.5MB)

WP2008-005 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2008-005

The Livelihood of ‘Escarpment Tonga’: A Case Study of One Village, Southern Zambia

Tetsuya NAKAMURA (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)

(January 2009)


Working Paper No. 2008-005 Download PDF (997KB)

WP2008-006 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2008-006

Re-thinking Labour Migration in Relation to Livelihood Diversity in African Rural Area: A Case Study in Southern Province, Zambia

Chihiro ITO (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)

(January 2009)

Working Paper No. 2008-006 Download PDF (690KB)

WP2009-007 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2009-007

Rural Livelihood Security Assessment for Smallholders Undergoing Economic Changes and Agro-Climatic Events in Central Kenya

Matheaus Kioko KAUTI (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University)

(April 2009)
Working Paper No. 2009-007 Download PDF (480KB)
WP2009-008 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2009-008

Quantifying the Impact of Climatic Change on Yields and Yield Variability of Major Crops and Optimal Land Allocation for Maximizing Food Production in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Tamil Nadu, India: An Econometric Approach

C.R. RANGANATHAN (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India)

(August 2009)
Working Paper No. 2009-008 Download PDF (1.85MB)
WP2009-009 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2009-009

Vulnerability of Food Production Systems of Small-Scale Farmers to Climate Change in Southern Zambia: A Search for Adaptive Strategies

Gear M. Kajoba (Department of Geography, University of Zambia)

(December 2009)
Working Paper No. 2009-009 Download PDF (678KB)
WP2009-010 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2009-010

Resilience of Rural Households and Communities to Economic Shocks, HIV/AIDS and Recurrent Droughts: The Case of Households and Communities in the Mwami Area, Chipata, Zambia

Chileshe Mulenga (Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia)

(December 2009)
Working Paper No. 2009-010 Download PDF (353KB)
WP2009-011 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2009-011

An Historical Analysis of Vulnerability and Resilience in a Semi-Arid Region of Zambia

Bennett Siamwiinde Siamwiza (Department of History, University of Zambia)

(December 2009)
Working Paper No. 2009-011 Download PDF (228KB)
WP2009-012 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2009-012

Ecological Adversity and Food Supply in Northwest Zambia

Chewe M. Chabatama (Department of History, University of Zambia)

(December 2009)
Working Paper No. 2009-012 Download PDF (184KB)
WP2011-013 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2011-013

Resilience as a Way of Life in Gwembe Valley

Elizabeth Colson, Professor Emerita (University of California at Berkeley)

(May 2011)
Working Paper No. 2011-013 Download PDF (170KB)
WP2011-014 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2011-014

Diversified Livelihood of Peasant Women in Southern Zambia

Noriko NARISAWA, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University

(October 2011)
Working Paper No. 2011-014 Download PDF (209KB)
WP2012-015 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2012-015

The Importance of Sweet Potatoes in Rural Villages in Southern Province, Zambia

Hidetoshi MIYAZAKI, Yudai ISHIMOTO and Ueru TANAKA, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

(March 2012)
Working Paper No. 2012-015 Download PDF (948KB)
WP2012-016 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2012-016

Historical Change of Neighborhood Community and Marriage Range of Gwembe Tonga in Southern Zambia

Yudai ISHIMOTO and Hidetoshi MIYAZAKI, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

(March 2012)
Working Paper No. 2012-016 Download PDF (842KB)
WP2012-017 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2012-017

Nutrient Intake, Physical Activity, and Travel Patterns of Adults Living in Contrasting Ecological Zones in Rural Zambia during the Less Labor-intensive Season for Farming

Sayuri KON1, Thamana LEKPRICHAKUL2, and Taro YAMAUCHI1,

1Hokkaido University,
2Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

(March 2012)
Working Paper No. 2012-017 Download PDF (786KB)
WP2012-018 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2012-018

Consumption Smoothing and the Role of Wild Food Items in Rural Zambia

Akinori KITSUKI and Takeshi SAKURAI, Hitotsubashi University

(March 2012)
Working Paper No. 2012-018 Download PDF (301KB)
WP2014-019 Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series No. 2014-019

Dietary Habit of Rural Tonga in Southern Province, Zambia : The Seasonal, Locational Transition

Takehiro YAMAMOTO 1, Yudai ISHIMOTO 2, Hidetoshi MIYAZAKI 3, Chieko UMETSU 4,
1 The Centre for African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan,
2 Tottori University, Tottori, Japan,
3 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan,
4 Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

(August 2014)
Working Paper No. 2014-019 Download PDF (902KB)

Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2008-001

Synthesis of Soil Management Options for Better Targeting of Technologies and Ecological Resilience under Variable Environmental Conditions

Moses Mwale
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute

March 2008

Lack of access to food and its availability is of central concern in Africa and a fundamental challenge for human welfare and economic growth. Low agricultural production results in low incomes, poor nutrition, vulnerability to risks and lack of empowerment. The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) targets an average annual increase of 6% in agricultural productivity to ensure food security and sustained national economies. Land degradation and soil fertility or nutrient depletion are considered as the major threats to food security and natural resource conservation in the semi arid tropics (SAT). What is needed is to break the cycle between poverty and land degradation in Africa by employing strategies that empower farmers economically and promoting sustainable agricultural intensification using efficient, effective and affordable agricultural technologies. Such affordable management systems should be accessible to the poor, small-scale producers and the approach should be holistic and dynamic in order to foster both technical and institutional change. This paper aims to increase the dissemination of our knowledge base on soils and its management in Zambia. This includes issues of soil conservation and conservation farming. The main activities being to: inventories available technologies for alleviating land degradation and how to demonstrate and adapt the best-bets in farmers’ circumstances using farmer participatory approaches; scale up best bet technologies for sustainable land management and marketing options through the use of appropriate tools, methods and strategies; and to study the resulting ecological resilience under variable environmental conditions.

食料へのアクセスの不足と食料供給量の不足はアフリカでの主要な問題であり、 人間の福祉と経済成長のための基本的な課題である。低農業生産は、低所得、栄養不足、 リスクへの脆弱性、エンパワーメントの欠如をもたらす。アフリカ開発のための新パー トナーシップ(NEPAD)は、食糧安全保障と持続的国家経済を確保するために年間平均6% の農業生産性の増加が目標である。土地荒廃と土壌肥沃度の枯渇、すなわち土壌養分の 枯渇が、半乾燥熱帯(SAT)での食糧安全保障と自然資源保全に対する大きな脅威である とかんがえられている。アフリカでは、農民に経済力を与えること、効率的で、有効な、 手頃な農業技術を用いて持続的な農業集約化を推進することによって、貧困と土地荒廃 の間にあるサイクルを壊すことが必要である。そのような手頃な管理システムは貧しく、 小規模な生産者にとって利用しやすく、そのアプローチは技術的、制度的な変化を促進 するために全体論的でありダイナミックでなければならない。 本論文は、ザンビアで の土壌とその管理に基づく知識を普及することが目標である。土壌保全と保全型農業の 問題を含んでいる。主な取り組みは、1.土地荒廃を軽減するのに利用可能な技術を棚 卸しすること、そして農民参加型アプローチから農民の事情を踏まえた最善の策をどの ように示し、適用するかということ、2.適切なツール、方法、戦略の利用を通じて持 続的な土地管理やマーケティングオプションのための最善の策を拡大すること、3.環 境変動下で結果として生じる生態レジリアンスを研究することである

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2008-002

Impact of 2004/2005 Drought on Zambia’s Agricultural Production: Preliminary Results

Thamana Lekprichakul
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

March 2008

This paper examined the extents of Zambia’s crop losses resulting from the 2004/2005 agricultural droughts and how the impacts were distributed among different cropping systems. The drought analysis is based on the Post Harvest Survey of 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 agricultural seasons, conducted annually by the Central Statistical Office (CSO). The results indicated that the 2004/2005 agricultural drought may have been more serious than initially thought. The extents of crop damages were comparable to the severest drought in recent history in 1991/1992 agricultural season. This was due largely to a rapid expansion of cultivated areas in the 2004/2005 of approximately 50% over the 2003/2004 season. The yield losses of staple crops were similar in their extent around 40%, 50% and 60% for millet, maize and sorghum respectively. It was observed that drought-resistant crops like millet and sorghum suffered greater crop losses than did the maize, particularly in southern province. This peculiar characteristic may have been a result of non-climatic factors that exacerbate the damages to the crops. Farmers responded with various coping strategies ranging from engaging in petty trades, skipping meals, eating wild foods, migration, to desperate measures such as stealing and prostitution.

Key words: Drought impact analysis, Agricultural drought, Food security, Yield losses.

本稿では、2004/2005年農作期旱魃から、ザンビアの農業収量の損害を調査し、 損害がどの様に異なる生産システムに分布していたかを検討する。旱魃の分析はザ ンビア中央統計局(CSO)が毎年実施している2003/2004年と2004/2005年の農作期の 収穫後調査に基づいている。分析の結果から、2004/2005年の農作期旱魃は当初推計 されたものより深刻であった可能性がある。穀物の損害は近年最大の旱魃であった 1991/1992年農作期に匹敵するものであった。これは、主に2003/2004年に比較して 50%増加した2004/2005年の急速な耕作面積の拡大によるものであった。主食穀物の 収量損害はミレットで40% 、メイズで50%、ソルガムで 60%にものぼった。旱魃に 耐性のあると考えられているミレットとソルガムはメイズより特に南部州で損失が 大きかった。この不可解な現象は損害を拡大した気候以外の要因によるものかもし れない。農民は小規模な売買への従事、食事の回数減少、野生植物の摂取、移住か ら、窃盗、売春までさまざまな対処戦略によって旱魃に対応していた。

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2008-003

Vulnerability and Resilience of Rural Society in Zambia: From the View Point of Land Tenure and Food Security

Gear M. Kajoba
Department of Geography, University of Zambia

March 2008

The paper shows that pre-colonial ecologies of agricultural systems in some parts of rural Zambia were sustainable and resilient to prevailing environmental conditions, and were therefore able to ensure relative food security, under communal land tenure.
However, colonial policies of land alienation and labour migration impacted negatively on food production systems of some ethnic groups like the citemene system of the Bemba and the flood plain cultivation system of the Lozi, making them extremely vulnerable due to the absence of large numbers of males. Paradoxically, the Tonga people in Southern Zambia responded positively to the introduction of modern methods of cultivation, exhibiting resilience by adapting and adopting the cultivation of hybrid maize and the ox-drawn plough. They also began to transform their land tenure system from being communal to become increasingly individualised.
At independence in 1964, the UNIP government intervened strongly in promoting rural development (1964-1990), by subsidising maize production and by implementing protectionist policies to maintain communal tenure. However, food security could not be guaranteed, and the policies led to over dependence of small-scale farmers on government and on maize at the expense of other food crops.
The introduction of neo-liberal policies (from 1991 to 2001) by the MMD government coupled with adverse weather conditions, made food production systems rather vulnerable to both policy and environmental shocks. However, efforts are being made (from 2001- to date) with the assistance of cooperating partners or the international community, the United Nations System and Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), to continue with land tenure empowerment policies to ensure secure land tenure for both men and women, and make targeted interventions with partial subsidies to rebuild the resilience of rural society, so as to promote national and household food security.

Key Words: Vulnerability, Resilience, Land Tenure, Food Security

植民地前のザンビア農村社会では、農業システム生態系は一般的な環境条件に対し 持続的かつレジリアントであり、従来の共同体的な土地保有の下で食料安全が保証さ れた。
しかし、植民地政策による労働移動と土地分配により、Bemba族のチテメネシステ ムやLozi族の氾濫原での耕作等の生産システムは影響を受け、男性不在により農村地 域の脆弱性が高まる結果となった。一方、ザンビア南部のトンガ族は、ハイブリッド メイズや牛耕等の近代的耕作技術を積極的に導入し、土地制度も共同体的所有制度か ら個人所有へと変化させ、レジリアンスの高さを示した。
1964年の独立以来、UNIP政権は強力に地域開発を推し進め、メイズ生産の補助 や、植民地政府の土地制度を維持する保守的政策を実施した。しかし、食料安全は保 障されず、小規模農民が政府とメイズのみの生産に過度に依存する状態となった。
MMD政権により1991年から2001年までに実施された新リベラル政策は、天 候の不順も災いし、政策や環境変動に対する食料生産システムの脆弱性を増大させ た。しかし、2001年以降現在に至るまで、土地所有のエンパワーメント政策によ り、男性女性ともに土地所有を保証し、地域社会のレジリアンスを再構築するための 政府の介入政策が行われており、国家と世帯の食料安全保障を推進する努力がなされ ている。


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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2008-004

Socio-Ecological Vulnerability and Resilience in an Arena of Rapid Environmental Change:
Community Adaptation to Climate Variability in the Upper Zambezi Floodplain

Lawrence S Flint
Enda Tiers Monde-Programme Energie Dakar, Senegal

June 2008

People have made unprecedented demands on ecosystems in recent decades to meet growing demands for food, water, fibre and energy. These demands have placed pressure on ecosystem balances, depleted the ability of the natural environment to replace biocapacity consumed and weakened the capacity to deliver ecosystem services such as purification of air and water, waste disposal and aesthetically pleasing environments. There is an apparent tension between the aspirations of social and economic development and environmental sustainability
Direct drivers of change that engender a reduction in ecosystem goods and services include habitat change, invasive species, over exploitation, pollution and, climate variability and change. These processes threaten to diminish socio-ecological resilience and heighten sensitivity to both environmental and socio-economic change.
This paper seeks to discuss the scientific ways in which socio-ecological vulnerability and resilience can be examined, in particular the inter disciplinarity of approach necessary to address these wide ranging issues. It will also analyse the nature of socio-ecological resilience and adaptation to vulnerability. This is contextualised in a discussion covering the historical and contemporary production of politico-economic and socio-cultural dynamics affecting resilience.
The study considers floodplain ecosystems, sites of human settlement, productivity and the appearance of ‘hydraulic civilisations’. An example discussed here is the Bulozi ‘natural’ floodplain of the Upper Zambezi Valley in western Zambia, currently exhibiting biophysical and socio-economic change. This floodplain was populated by the ancestors of the present Lozi peoples who, using the ecological goods and services offered by the plain, produced a strong and vibrant politico-economy that became dominant in the region, using surplus food with which to specialise, raise an army and take advantage of economic opportunities.
Today Bulozi is an arena of relative underdevelopment and this condition may become exacerbated by increasing climate dynamics, but these act only as additional stressors to socially created vulnerabilities that became entrenched over time. The paper identifies the production of vulnerability in Bulozi and the adaptive capacity required to increase resilience.
It also discusses recent activities in the domain of community adaptation to climate change and concludes that people’s capacity to adapt to exogenous and endogenous pressures and maintain the integrity of the socio-ecological system (SES) depends much on their ability to engage with stressors from a position of autochthonous ‘ownership’. It depends also on their ability to access new capabilities and diversify productive activities so that society can regain a sense of momentum, control and motivation to enhance living standards whilst conserving the integrity of the SES.

Key Words: Vulnerability, resilience, community adaptation, climate change, floodplain, socio-ecological system, ecosystem management

本報告では、社会経済の脆弱性とレジリアンスを検討する科学的方法、特にこれら広範囲の問題に対する学際的アプローチについて議論する。また、脆弱性に対する社会経済レジリアンスと適応の本質を分析する。レジリアンスに影響を与えている政治経済、社会文化的ネットワークとダイナミズムについて歴史的、現代的生産の文脈の中で議論することによって説明される。経済活動と「河川文明」を擁する人間の居住地域である氾濫原生態システムを研究の対象とする。事例として現在生物物理的、社会経済的変化を示しているザンビア西部ザンベジ河上流渓谷の Bulozi「自然」氾濫原に焦点を当てる。この氾濫原は現在の Lozi民の祖先が居住し、彼らは生態財とサービスを氾濫原から得、強力で活気に満ちた政治経済を生み出してこの地域を独占し、余剰食料を使うことができ、また軍を擁し経済的機会を享受した。
今日、Buloziは低開発の地域とされており、この状況は気候の変動によって悪化しているが、気候変動は長い年月の間に社会的に蓄積された脆弱性に対しては追加の要因となるのみである。本報告では Buloziの脆弱性の原因とレジリアンスを高めるための適応的能力を議論する。

キーワード: 脆弱性、レジリアンス、コミュニティの適応、気候変動、氾濫原、社会・生態システム、生態システム管理

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2008-005

The Livelihood of ‘Escarpment Tonga’: A Case Study of One Village, Southern Zambia

Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

January 2009


In the late 1950s, auge artificial lake (Lake Kariba) was emerged by the construction of ‘the Kariba dam’ at the middle Zambezi River. Over 50,000 'Tonga' people lost their land. Against their will, they were forced to move to a flat plane area along the lake which is called ‘Valley’. People made efforts to overcome the adverse condition in the area by developing a variety of industries closely associated with the Lake Kariba. However, the efforts they made were in vain because of land shortage spurred by rapid population increase and frequent droughts. The unfavorable local economy which was exacerbated by unstable social/economic factors also aggravated the situation. It was said that several thousands households migrated out from the lake side: While a majority moved to the ‘Plateau’ area, a minority shifted to the ‘Escarpment’ area where there are ridges and valleys.
Escarpment land is unsuitable for extensive agricultural production because of limited fertile land and danger of soil erosion. But many of those shifted from the ‘Valley’ have settled there. I have done field-work at one village located an escarpment area in Southern Zambia from August 2006 to June 2007 to examine and analyze the livelihoods of these people.
We observe that they selectively utilize slope as farmland, and diversify their daily activities to use available resources such as lumbering to the maximum. As for access to livelihoods and resources, the ‘pioneer’ families and their relatives have advantage, but it is verified that mutual help relation which extends to out-of-kinship line.

Key Words: Tonga, Migration, Escarpment, Livelihood, Lumbering


1950年代後半、ザンベジ川の中流域にカリバダムが建設されたことによって巨大な人造湖(カリバ湖)が形成され、5万人以上のトンガの人々の居住地が失われてしまった。湖畔の平地へと追いやられた彼らは、逆境を跳ね返すかのように、カリバ湖と密接に関わりながら様々な産業を発展させていった。しかし、急増する人口、頻発する干ばつによって土地不足が蔓延化し、不安定な社会経済的要因が地域経済を悪化させ、こうした背景のもと、数千世帯が湖畔から再度移住していったと言われている。ほとんどは高地を目指して移り住んでいったが、一部は峡隘(きょうあい)な尾根や渓谷を有する丘陵地を居住地に選んだ。 沃地や広く平らな土地は限られており、傾斜地での耕作は土壌流出を招くため、概して丘陵地は農業に不適な土地であると言えよう。本稿は、2006年8月から2007年6月の10ヶ月間、ザンビア南部の丘陵地に位置する一農村でおこなった実地調査によって得られた資料に基づき作成されたものであり、丘陵地という新たな生態環境の中で人々はどのように生活を営んでいるのか、移住の歴史と社会構造との関連で考察することを目的としている。 そこから見えてくるのは、傾斜地を選択的に農地として使用し、木挽き業に代表されるような地域の資源を最大限利用する生業を多岐に展開しているという、丘陵地で生き抜く人々の姿であった。現在の生業や資源へのアクセスに関して、はじめに入植した草分けとの繋がりを持つ世帯に有利性を認めることができるが、親族関係に限定されない相互扶助的関係も垣間見られたのである。 キーワード: トンガ、移住、丘陵地、生業、木挽き業

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2008-006

Re-thinking Labour Migration in Relation to Livelihood Diversity in African Rural Area:
A Case Study in Southern Province, Zambia

Chihiro Ito
Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University, Japan

January 2009


This paper attempts to 1) describe diversification of economic activities in African rural area, 2) trace and describe labour migration, and 3) analyse the relationship between labour migration and diversified activities in rural society.

In most rural areas of Africa, agriculture remains the main livelihood. However, agricultural production is often supplemented and even sustained by other economic activities in order to cope with variable environmental conditions, and social and economic changes. Labour migration has been considered as one of essential activities to supplement rural society, but we do not know much about the relation between labour migration and other strategies taken inside of the village. This paper has examined the situation of livelihood diversification and its relationship with labour migration in Zambia.

As a result, there are employments, agricultural and non-agricultural wage labour and the coping strategies for drought. But practice of these strategies would be constrained by primary cost, social networks and assets. Access to these strategies was not in uniform. There are differences of livelihood strategies by households.

In regard to labour migration, people can easily migrate without obstacles, thus it has been connected to rural society and economy as an alternative strategy. This character of labour migration was supported by increasing labour demand in neighbouring towns and social network.
Labour migration had an essential role for compensating rural economy in case of distress, however importance and need for it would differ from households, and it had a relation with access to other livelihood strategies practicing inside of the village.

Keywords: Labour migration,・Livelihood diversification,・Coping strategy,・Zambia





キーワード: 出稼ぎ労働・生業多様化・生計戦略・ザンビア

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2009-007

Rural Livelihood Security Assessment for Smallholders Undergoing Economic Changes and Agro-Climatic Events in Central Kenya

Matheaus Kioko KAUTI
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University, Japan

April 2009


The implementation of World Bank- and IMF-funded structural adjustment programs of the economy by Government of Kenya negatively affected smallholder farmers’ production due to cost of agricultural inputs rising faster than the prices of agricultural produce. Concurrently, effects of the variability of precipitation patterns intrinsically link in shaping local-level households’ vulnerability.

Drawing from field study data informed by longitudinal methodology of approach on crop variety selection and crisis-coping experiences, the overriding issue addressed in this paper is how smallholder farmers in Central Kenya cope and adapt with the changes. The study provides both place-based and household-based understanding of the livelihood security strategies available to and undertaken by the farmers.

Annual net income levels of 40 sample households are estimated and the production aspect of the household economy classified into five sectors: agricultural, livestock, non-farm, off-farm, and forest product extraction. An operationalization of the notion of livelihood strategies reveals the strategy in which households choose and combine options across the five sectors on the basis of crisis experiences. Examination of smallholders’ crop variety selection identifies a multiplicity of criteria upon which decisions are based. These are grouped into five explanatory factors: geographic, economic, administrative, socio-cultural and agronomic.

The paper argues that an effective understanding of smallholders’ coping and adaptive capabilities has important implications for adaptation policy. It can provide a basis for designing policies aimed at rural livelihood security improvement and also help to facilitate outside planners who engage in food security programs which can be built on existing livelihood strategies.

Keywords: Rural livelihood; Coping strategies; Economic liberalization; Drought; Kenya.






本稿は、小農民の対処・適応能力の効果的な理解が政策にとって重要な意味を持つことを示している。 それは農村部の生計の安全保障を改善することを目標とする政策立案のための基礎を提供するものであり、また既存の生計戦略の上に構築される食糧安全保障計画を推進する外部の計画者たちにも参考となると考える。

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2009-008

Quantifying the Impact of Climatic Change on Yields and Yield Variability of Major Crops and Optimal Land Allocation for Maximizing Food Production in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Tamil Nadu, India: An Econometric Approach

C.R. Ranganathan
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

August 2009


This paper provides a framework for optimal land use planning in the context of climate change. All agricultural activities are very sensitive to climate change resulting in variability in crop yields. Hence it becomes necessary to study the effect of climate change not only on mean yield but also on variability in yield. The quantitative information so obtained should be used for optimal land allocation in order to utilize natural resources in a judicious way. Previous studies using regression techniques concentrated on the estimation of average productivity only but little attention was given for optimal land allocation to competing crops with climate change induced productivities. The problem becomes more important in the context of gradual decline in available land area for agriculture due to urbanization. The present study focuses on these issues for major crops grown in Tamil Nadu State. It employs econometric modelling for estimating the mean yield and yield variability and also covariance between yields of different crops. The mean yields so obtained which reflect the impact of climate change are then used in multi-objective linear programming models for meeting objectives like maximum food grain production, maximum paddy production and minimization of agricultural land area for maintaining at least the current level of production of crops etc. Finally the study attempts to link the optimal food grain production with the projected population of Tamil Nadu for 2021 and 2026 to determine the quantum of food grain availability per individual. The study shows that precipitation and temperature have varying effect on productivity and variability of crops. Trend has positive impact on most of the crops. Also, climate change, as dictated by HADCM3A2a scenario, will have modest impact on crop productivities across the five zones of Tamil Nadu. Zones where paddy is grown traditionally may witness modest increase in productivity followed by increase in variability while many other crops may have decrease in productivity and there is no uniformity in changes in their variability. The study indicates that when land is the only constraint, with climate change induced productivities, optimal allocation of crop area will result in increased production of food grain. These results will be useful for policy makers in finding the gap between supply and demand of food grain for projected population.



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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2009-009

Vulnerability of Food Production Systems of Small-Scale Farmers to Climate Change
in Southern Zambia: A Search for Adaptive Strategies

Gear M. Kajoba
Department of Geography, University of Zambia

December 2009


The overall aim of the research was to assess the vulnerability of the food production system of small-scale farmers in Kafwambila area in Sinazongwe district to climate change; assess their perceptions; impacts and short term coping strategies and search for long term adaptive strategies.

Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 32 small-scale farmers including key informants; and two Focus Group Discussions were attended by a total of 44 participants.

The study has shown that although the small-scale farmers are not aware of the concept of climate change, they experience its impacts through frequent droughts and occasional floods. The respondents indicated that climatic variability increasingly impacts negatively on food production, leading to crop failure of their staple cereals of bulrush millet, sorghum and maize.

The major coping strategy (apart from crop combinations or inter cropping) is the establishment of a livelihoods circuit, in which farmers sell some of their livestock to traders, in order to raise cash with which to buy fish from Lake Kariba; then they travel to the plateau to sell the fish, raise money to buy maize grain from farmers on the plateau, or exchange fish with maize grain. Then, the farmers return with grain to the valley, grind it to obtain maize meal, and repeat the cycle when need arises.

Although the farmers stated that they do not know what to do in order to make long term adaptation to climate change, they called for the government and other stakeholders to establish an irrigation scheme to tap water from Lake Kariba; provide micro-credit and improved seed varieties that are drought tolerant, early maturing and high yielding.

Farmers also requested the government to construct passable roads that can link their remote area to the plateau in order to facilitate trade in grain, livestock and fish.



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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2009-010

Resilience of Rural Households and Communities to Economic Shocks, HIV/AIDS and Recurrent Droughts: The Case of Households and Communities in the Mwami Area, Chipata, Zambia

Chileshe Mulenga, PhD.
Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia

December 2009


Rural economies in sub-Saharan African countries that undertook economic policy reforms under the auspices of International Financial Institutions have been described as “harsh, challenging, hard and difficult’. These economies have been characterized by decline and increased impoverishment of their inhabitants. Such outcomes are at variance with what was expected of the policy reforms and what has been attributed to them at the national level. At the national level, the policy reforms have been credited with stabilizing the national economies and even robust growth averaging 5% over the last decade.

Field investigations in the Mwami Area of Chipata in Eastern Zambia and an extensive review of literature confirms the experience of economic decline and growing impoverishment of rural households and communities reported in all sub-Saharan African countries that reformed their economies with the support of the International Financial Institutions. Economic policy reform in Zambia seem to have helped produce a harsh rural economic environment characterized by economic decline and increased poverty. These unexpected outcomes have been attributed to the neglect of public investment in agriculture and rural development. The situation has, however, been worsened by failure of rural households to adapt to the triple shocks of economic reform, HIV/AIDS and environmental change.

Failure of rural households to adapt to the liberalized agricultural regime has been due to the economic reforms having coincided with recurrent droughts and shocks emanating from the adverse effects of HIV/AIDS. Recurrent droughts in the 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 agricultural seasons forced most households in the Mwami Area of Chipata to exhaust their stores, including livestock, which jeopardized their future recovery. The increased cost of agricultural in-puts especially hybrid maize seeds and fertilizers worsened the situation further, as it forced most households to reduce the amount of land devoted to maize, their main staple and commercial crop. For the households touched by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the grave economic situation was worsened by loss of their most productive labour to ill health and deaths. This state of affairs set off a process of impoverishment and marginalization from the main stream national economy and created a general sense of despair.

To make ends meet, most households in the Mwami area had turned to direct exploitation of natural resources, especially the forest and wildlife resources. These resources were, however, being exploited with basic technologies, which neither enhance productivity nor protect or ameliorate environmental degradation. Thus, the livelihoods based on direct exploitation of natural resources with basic technologies are not likely to be sustainable, especially in the light of the environmental change, characterized by increasing surface temperatures and reduced rainy seasons. Measures are therefore needed to help the rural households in the Mwami area and elsewhere in rural Zambia to adapt to the liberalized economic environment, changing environmental conditions and HIV/AIDS.

Keywords: resilience, HIV/AIDS, rural households, community, economic reform, Eastern Zambia


Chileshe L. Mulenga




農村世帯が農業自由化に対応できなかったことは、近年の旱ばつとHIV/AIDSの負の影響から派生したショックが経済改革と同時に進行したことによる。2000/2001 年及び2001/2002年の農作期に起こった旱ばつによって、チパタ市ムワニ地区のほとんどの世帯の食料庫が空になり、家畜は回復の目途が立たないほどに打撃を受けた。ハイブリッド・トウモロコシ種子と肥料などの資材価格の上昇は、さらに状況を悪化させ、ほとんどの世帯は主食と換金作物であるトウモロコシの作付面積を減少させた。またHIV/AIDS患者が出た世帯では、病気や死亡によって最も生産的な労働力の損失というさらなる経済状況の悪化が起こった。この状況は、貧困のプロセスへ移行し、国家経済の主流から取り残されることを意味しており、失望感をつのらせた。


キーワード: レジリアンス、HIV/AIDS、農村世帯、コミュニティ、経済改革、東部ザンビア

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2009-011

An Historical Analysis of Vulnerability and Resilience in a Semi-Arid Region of Zambia

Bennett Siamwiinde Siamwiza, PhD.
Department of History, University of Zambia

December 2009


This article is about the Valley Tonga’s resilience to ecological vulnerability often induced by near chronic drought conditions that have, over centuries, characterised their region and occasionally by flooding of the Zambezi; prior to 1958 and of Lake Kariba after 1958. The Valley Tonga are the inhabitants of the Gwembe Valley, a trough sandwiched by unbroken range of escarpments on the south and north of the Zambezi river. The valley located in the middle Zambezi River basin in Southern Province of Zambia. Since long time ago, this region has been subject to hunger and famine largely because of its semi – arid nature. The article explores the various mechanisms the Valley Tonga have applied and exploited to survive their unfriendly environment.

The article suggests that the Tonga’s resilience has largely depended on their ability to forecast good and bad weather patterns ahead. This ability to interpret climatic changes of their environment has enabled them to prepare ahead of an expected negative eventualities. The Valley Tonga, the article explains, have remained in the valley despite chronic environmental setbacks, often leading to food crises, for several reasons. The bush has been a granary as it has provided them with food in bad and even good times. They have also managed to live in the environment, outsiders have perceived as notorious, because they have cultivated economic and social networks based on the moral economy paradigm. The valley Tonga have exploited even seemingly negative occurrences such as disastrous floods to their advantage; receding flood regime created an opportunity for winter or dry crop cultivation. The introduction of colonial regime at the turn of the twentieth century, added yet another dimension to the Tonga’s survival strategies. Labour migration, colonial intervention through famine relief and introduction of commercial and fishing upon the formation of Lake Kariba became a source of their resilience to ecological shocks.

Key words: Resilience, Vulnerability, Semi-aridity, famine survival networks.


B. S. Siamwiza
Department of History, University of Zambia




キーワード: レジリアンス、脆弱性、半乾燥、生態環境、飢饉生存ネットワーク

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2009-012

Ecological Adversity and Food Supply in Northwest Zambia

Chewe M. Chabatama, Ph.D.
Department of History, University of Zambia

December 2009


Most agricultural and food security studies on Zambia have concentrated on maize and other cash crops, and surplus maize producing provinces such as Central, Lusaka and Southern. Non-cash crops such as cassava, millet and sorghum, which were staple food crops for the people of northwest Zambia, have strangely been ignored by most researchers. As a marginal maize producer, North-Western province has been ignored, condemned and marginalized by both scholars and state officials, respectively. However, this paper is cognizant of the stark fact that cassava, finger and bulrush millet, sorghum and sweet potatoes have provided and continue to provide food security for the indigenous people of Northwest Zambia. North-Western province possesses enormous agricultural and economic potential. This paper examines food supply in the North-Western province of Zambia in the midst of adverse ecological conditions. It specifically considers the relevance of local ecological and climatic conditions to local food supply, and the survival strategies food insecure households have adopted in their quest for survival. The paper considers changing ecological disasters and changing survival strategies.

Key words: Ecological adversity; Food security; Northwest Zambia; Environment and ecology; Food security forecast systems; Coping strategies; Traditional land use systems; Sorghum-based agricultural system; Cassava-based agricultural system; Indigenous staple food crops; Diversified agricultural economy; Viable; Nutritional requirements



キーワード: 生態環境、食料安全保障、北西ザンビア、食料安全保障予測システム、対処戦略、伝統的土地利用システム、伝統的主食作物、農業経済の多様化、栄養要求量

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2011-013

Resilience as a Way of Life in Gwembe Valley

Elizabeth Colson, Professor Emerita
University of California at Berkeley

April 2011


Harsh environments test human ingenuity. Survival requires adaptability which means that people must be flexible, innovative, versatile and self-reliant. For the last millennium, Tonga-speaking people have inhabited Gwembe Valley in southern Zambia and nearby Zimbabwe. Over the years they created a mixed economy that allowed them to survive drought, floods, and other challenges. Survival techniques included multi-cropping, development of drought-resistant strains of crops suitable to local conditions, and the cultivation of social ties that gave access to the resources of adjacent regions.

Keywords: Environmental Stress, Drought, Survival Techniques, Innovation, Resettlement, Experimentation, Social Networks, Trade, Gwembe Tonga




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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2011-014

Diversified Livelihood of Peasant Women in Southern Zambia

Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University

October 2011


In the field of gender and development studies, it has been admitted that African peasant women have considerable autonomy for agricultural production and managing household consumption, however at the same time, their access to resources that secure their livelihood is restricted by household gender division of labour and power structure and that increases their vulnerability.

Recently, parallel with evolving rural household livelihood diversification in Africa, new complex livelihood patterns among women who had engaged in subsistence agriculture and domestic work has been brought to light by scholars. Peasant women are now generally engaging in and expanding their non-farming activities and earning cash. It is gradually becoming apparent that women’s earnings are now crucial for feeding and caring for household members and for supporting the rural economy.

In this regards, scholars have pointed out two main issues concerning women’s individual autonomy and vulnerability. First, women earning an income could lead to conflict with men who are unwilling to accept it because of concerns pertaining to neglect of domestic works and erosion of men’s authority by female earners. Secondly, women’s earnings are very likely to flow back into the household. This trend means that women merely extend their domestic responsibilities as caregivers of their families and they bear the great burden of labour. Therefore, it must be noted that access to resource itself does not always result in positive effects on women’s empowerment and rapid change in indigenous gender relations might cause even more severe situations for women.

This paper aims to show, by clarifying cash-earning activities and casual visiting activities of Tonga people in southern Zambia, that Tonga women have expanded their socio-economic activities not by claiming drastic change of gender role but behaving with rather quite manner using indigenous social relations.

Keywords: Gender, Livelihood diversification, Cash earning, Casual visiting, Tonga.







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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2012-015

The Importance of Sweet Potatoes in Rural Villages in Southern Province, Zambia

Hidetoshi MIYAZAKI and Yudai ISHIMOTO
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

March 2012


Stable maize production and increased productivity are important for improved food security in Zambia. Because most farmers cultivate maize under rain-fed agriculture, however, a maize monoculture is vulnerable to drought or excessive rainfall. Increasing the diversification of crops and crop varieties is therefore important to achieve food security in the face of a changing climate. The sweet potato is an important secondary food in Zambia and has great potential both as a crop for consumption and as a source of income. The aim of the study was to determine farmers’ familiarity with sweet potato varieties and their features and to clarify production and consumption patterns in a rural area in Southern Province, Zambia. Field studies and farmer interviews were conducted at three sites. Farmers in the study area planted sweet potato in both the rainy and dry seasons, but sweet potato production varied between planting seasons and among the three study sites. As a group, farmers were able to identify a total of 22 sweet potato varieties, but many farmers were not able to identify a single variety, and only 10 of the 22 identified varieties were actually cultivated in the study area. Sweet potato production was much greater at one site. Further study of some households at this site indicated that sweet potato tubers were consumed about twice a week, most commonly for breakfast. Consumption was highest during and immediately after the harvest and then gradually decreased. Sweet potato leaves were rarely consumed. Annual sweet potato sales per person generated sufficient income at this site to purchase enough mealie-meal (a local staple food) to feed 7.4 adults for a year.

Keywords: Food security, Crop diversification, Food consumption, Cash income, Tuber crop




キーワード: 食料安全保障, 作物多様化, 食料消費, 現金稼得, 塊茎作物

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2012-016

Historical Change of Neighborhood Community and Marriage Range of Gwembe Tonga in Southern Zambia

Yudai ISHIMOTO and Hidetoshi MIYAZAKI
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

March 2012


Social capital including social network is an important component of human resilience, i.e. the social capacity to respond to change (Walker et al. 2006). But social capital changes over time and it is important to understand social networks as evolving rather than static. This requires some understanding of the history of present communities and how their networks relate to one another and to those living elsewhere.

In southern Zambia, 57,000 of Gwembe Tonga people were resettled involuntarily with the construction of Kariba Dam on the Zambezi River (Scudder, 2005). They refer to their previous residential area now covered by Lake Kariba as Matongo. To understand how social capital has been influenced by construction of Kariab Dam, this study looks (1) at the transitional history of several cisi, (2) and then analyzes the present range of marriage of their members.

Resettled people have continued to migrate as resettled area degraded. They have also continued to reconstruct or form new social networks to meet current contingencies. This is reflected in marriage alliance. Prior to resettlement, most marriages were within the neighborhood (cisi). Thereafter, resettled people began to intermarry with people in their new vicinities. Since then people continue to move to new areas and the range of potential marriage partners continue to change.

Keywords: cisi (the neighborhood), Dam construction, Range of marriage, Resettlement, Establishment of village



ザンビア南部では,ザンベジ川沿いのカリバダム建設に伴い約6万のトンガ人が強制移住させられた。彼らの出身地は,現在カリバ湖に覆われる,マトンゴ地域である。本件研究の目的は,ダム建設による社会関係資本への影響を把握するため,(1) 旧地縁集団(cisi)ごとの来歴,すなわち村の再定住プロセスを明らかにし,(2) 現在の通婚圏を考察することである。

カリバダム建設は周辺地域の人々の生活に,直後のみならず,現在まで影響し続けている。特に,強制移住をさせられた人々は,生計環境の悪化によって,いまだに再移住を行う。彼らは,社会ネットワークを新たに構築し,再構築する。これは通婚圏に影響を及ぼす。ダム建設以前,人々は当時の地縁集団 (cisi) 内で配偶者を見つけ,結婚した。その後,移住を強制された人々は同一cisiの成員ではない,新たな隣人との婚姻を開始した。以降,人々は再移住を続け,通婚圏は更なる変化を続ける。

キーワード: 旧地縁集団(cisi),ダム建設,通婚圏,再定住,村設立

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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2012-017

Nutrient Intake, Physical Activity, and Travel Patterns of Adults Living in Contrasting Ecological Zones in Rural Zambia during the Less Labor-intensive Season for Farming

Sayuri KON
Hokkaido University

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

Hokkaido University

March 2012


Objectives: To reveal the differences of food consumption, physical activity, and travel patterns among contrasting ecological zones and between sexes in the Southern province of Zambia, and to determine whether the mechanism of sustaining nutritional status differs in each zone.

Subjects and Method: A total of 26 men and 30 women aged 18 years and above, living in 3 zones (Lowland, Hillside, and Upland) were examined. Body measurements, a dietary survey using a weighed-food method, a physical activity survey using an accelerometer, and a travel patterns using a portable GPS were conducted.

Results: Although daily energy intake did not differ between the 3 groups for either sex, the proportions of specific food groups contributing to the intakes of energy and macronutrients were significantly different in all zones. Subjects in the Lowland group had a high proportion of fish intake, and those in the Upland group tended to consume a high proportion of roots and tubers. Sex difference in the proportional contribution of food groups for energy and nutrient intakes was identified only in the Lowland group. With regard to physical activity and travel patterns, only traveled radius was significantly different between the 3 groups. The Lowland group had the largest sex difference for energy balance, while the Upland group had the smallest of the 3.

Conclusions: The findings suggest that the factors affecting the energy intake and expenditure in adult villagers differed in every zone. Furthermore, it also showed that each group has different characteristic of lifestyle between the sexes.

Keywords: Nutritional Status, Dietary Intake, Physical Activity, Behavioral Pattern, Less Labor-intensive Season for Farming







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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2012-018

Consumption Smoothing and the Role of Wild Food Items in Rural Zambia

Akinori KITSUKI and Takeshi SAKURAI
Hitotsubashi University

March 2012


The objective of this study is to investigate how farmers smooth their consumption against fluctuating agricultural income, focusing on the composition of consumption and the role of wild food items. We use household survey data collected over a 2-year period from November 2007 to October 2009 in rural Zambia, in which extremely heavy rainfall in December 2007 caused a significant negative shock in agricultural production, the most important income source of the farmers in the study site. We find that farmers smoothed their consumption levels of staple foods, but did not smooth those of animal and fish products, processed non-staple food, and non-food items. It means that farmers used the latter as buffers against fluctuating income. Cash purchases of staple foods, and the receipt of staple foods as gift and food aid played a critical role in smoothing consumption levels of staple foods. Wild food items collected from the bush were also important in consumption smoothing complementary to purchased, gifted, aided staple foods.

Key Words: Consumption Smoothing, Agricultural Production Shock, Wild Food Items, Food Aid, Zambia




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Working Paper on Social-Ecological Resilience Series

No. 2014-019

Dietary Habit of Rural Tonga in Southern Province, Zambia : The Seasonal, Locational Transition

The Centre for African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan,

Tottori University, Tottori, Japan,

Hidetoshi MIYAZAKI
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan,

Chieko UMETSU,
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

August 2014


Grasping dietary habit is needed in the present, when the globalization has spread broadly into African rural community. The study aims to understanding the dietary habit in rural Tonga community near Lake Kariba, Southern Province, Zambia. Dietary research was conducted at three sites with difference in elevation mainly from May 2009 to May 2010, and additionally from Oct. to Nov. 2013. The data has been analyzed on the basis on appearance frequency of each food and food group especially focusing on main material of side dish. The results are following through analysis on contribution of each food to dietary habit with regard for seasonality and locality.

Frequency of meal with fish is high in Site A near the lake, while low in Site B and C distant from the lake. Frequency of meal with vegetable without legume is low in comparatively dry Site A, whereas high in comparatively humid Site B and C where vegetable without legume is actively cultivated to sell to neighboring market. Frequency of meal with gathered plant is high in Site B where is thinly populated and retains shrub land; people can utilize gathered plants through a whole year. Meanwhile its frequency peaks in Site A and C during only rainy season when harvest of vegetable decreases and edible plants grow mainly. That is, contribution by each food to dietary habit changes depending on sites and seasons.

Key Words: Dietary habit, Food culture, Locality, Seasonality, Tonga.


 アフリカ農村社会にまでグローバル化が進行するなかで、現代における食生活の把握が求められている。本稿は、ザンビア南部州のカリバ湖に近いトンガ農村部における食生活の実態を把握することを目的とする。食事調査は、標高の異なる3つのサイトにおいて、まず2009年5月から 2010年5月まで13か月間、補足的に2013年10月から11月までおこなわれた。食生活の分析は、調査結果のうち特に副食の材料に注目し、各食品や食品群ごとの登場頻度をあらわすグラフを用い、補足調査の情報を加えながらおこなった。




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