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【Combining Knowledge for a Fundamental Innovation of Land Use Program Seminar Series No.10】
“Where is the forefront of agri-environmental policy today ?”

Date 15th October 2024, 13:30 – 15:00
Venue National Association of Towns and Villages Hall and Online
Language English(Simultaneous Interpretation)
Register Registration in advance is required. Click here and register.
【Deadline:13 October】
Abstract Agriculture is the largest sector using land on Earth. For this reason, the sustainable use of farmland is one of the biggest policy issues for many countries today, especially as we face global environmental problems and population decline issues.

Therefore, the purpose of this seminar is to share with participants the overall picture of the history and background of agri-environmental policies, particularly agri-environmental payments policies, which are core policies for the sustainable use of agricultural land, in England, the country that has been the most proactive in developing such policies among OECD countries, including the dramatic policy changes that are taking place since the UK left the European Union.
Program 13:30 
Mikitaro Shobayashi(Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)

“Where is the forefront of agri-environmental policy today ?”
Dr. Stephen Chaplin(Natural England, UK)

Question and Answer

Mikitaro Shobayashi(Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
Organized by “Combining Knowledge for a Fundamental Innovation of Land Use Program”, RIHN
Sponsored by National Association of Towns and Villages
Contact Combining Knowledge for a Fundamental Innovation of Land Use Program, RIHN
E-mail: katsuyama[at]chikyu.ac.jp  *Please change [at] to @

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