- About the Forum:
- The Community Forum 2012 is organized to serve as venue for exchanging information, facts, issues and challenges between the Laguna de Bay communities and the researchers from the Philippines and Japan. The traditional or tacit knowledge developed by the lake stakeholders over the years of exposures to various climate and environmental changes will be validated and reinforced with scientific evidences to improve their value in forewarning local communities from impending ecological risks and environmental disasters. Likewise, the Community Forum 2012, being the venue for community-oriented analysis of the ecological risks to health and food security, has tasked experts from the Philippines and Japan and their counterpart stakeholders the identification of lake Hot Spots and the establishment of community-based Early Warning Systems to improve the capacity of the lake stakeholders to forecaring their livelihood and overall welfare. The Forum basically dwell on harmony of nature with communities: It, therefore, seeks to empower stakeholders through direct participation in understanding contemporary ecological abnormalities, particularly recurrent fishkill episodes whose impacts extend to declining market acceptance of local fishes in and around the Laguna de Bay Region.
- Contact: Ryohei KADA (Project Leader and Professor, RIHN and Yokohama National University, Japan)
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
457-4 Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku,
Kyoto, 603-8047, Japan
Phone : +81-75-707-2262
Fax : +81-75-707-2506