- Abstract:
- Pekarangan, as a traditional homestead garden and an optimal and sustainable land use type of agroforestry system in the tropical region of Indonesia has been researched since 1995. As greenery open space, which is located in the surroundings of a house or residential building has spread from rural to urban areas, from the upper stream to the downstream of watershed. The area of pekarangan varies with owners and depends on the socio-economic level, profession, and their distance to the city. However, sustainable and abundant bio-resources are expected to be available. Through local wisdom and local knowledge of the community, pekarangan have been practiced as agro-forestry, agro-silvo- pastura, and agro-silvo-fishery systems. Agricultural bio-diversity and sustainable material circulation are maintained in pekarangan.
- Pekarangan is a potential land for ecosystem services, such as Carbon sequestration, water resource management, agro-biodiversity conservation, and landscape beautification. Presidential Decree of Republic of Indonesia No. 22/2009 regarding policy of the acceleration and movement of local resource based food diversification was published in 2009.
Pekarangan movement by Ministry of Agriculture was conducted from 2010 up to 2014 in order to revitalize pekarangan production from starchy crops, fruit plants, vegetable crops, medicinal plants, spice crops, industrial plants, ornamental plant, and miscellaneous plants. Multi- storey levels of vegetation structures and species richness of pekarangan not only can be proposed to mitigate global warming and global climate change impacts, but also to be promoted as supporting agricultural land for food security at the household level. In addition, pekarangan as an agro-forestry system also can contribute significantly to a region's carbon budget while simultaneously enhancing the livelihoods of rural community.
Key words: agricultural biodiversity conservation, Carbon sequestration, food security, home gardens - About Speaker:
- Professor of Landscape Management Laboratory, Dep. of Landscape Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).
- E-mail: ;
Blog: http://www.hsarifin.staff.ipb.ac.id - Major competency : Landscape Ecology and Environmental Management.
- Books: editorial book of The Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints (Springer Verlag Germany, 2007), Abstract and Summary Compilation of Research Results: Landscape Ecological Study on Sustainable Bio-resources in Rural Indonesia (IPB/University of Tokyo, 2008), Four Serial Books of Triple Bottom Line Benefit of Agroforestry, Pekarangan, Eco-Village, Agrotourism (Ministry of Agriculture, 2009), and Lecture note/Monograph of Agroforestry Landscape Analysis (IPB Press, 2010)
- Contacts: Dr. Ami Meutia (Project Researcher, RIHN)
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
Mega City Project
457-4 Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku,
Kyoto, 603-8047, Japan
Phone : +81-75-707-2350
Fax : +81-75-707-2508