日 時: |
2012年1月23日(月)14:00-15:30 |
場 所: |
総合地球環境学研究所 セミナー室5 ( アクセス) |
タイトル: |
Negative and non-negative impact of the Dust and Sand Storms (DSS), originated in Mongolia for countries in Northeast Asia |
講演者: |
ZAMBA, Batjargal(国連世界気象機関代表/総合地球環境学研究所招へい外国人研究員) |
【要 旨】
- In the presentation the following questions would be raised, for instance, why the media in different countries “glorified” Mongolia as the “exporter” of the “yellow dust” to Korea and Japan and the “red snow” to Russia or is there any relationship between deserts in Mongolia and environmental acidification, water quality and food security issues in Korea and Japan? Another question is related to a perception that the territories of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia in China are primary sources of DSS because of overgrazing due to pasture based livestock husbandry and its highly mobility nature. Concluding point is that the Mongolian contribution to the DSS in modern days does not limited just by a blowing dust lifted from natural sand duns and degraded grassland. Mixed aerosols including dust particles from mining sites, emissions from different man made sources in Mongolia being carried by DSS through industrialized areas in northeast and east China are increasing the risk from DSS in affected countries.
- UYAR, Aysun

総合地球環境学研究所 |
〒603-8047 |
京都市北区上賀茂本山457番地4 |
TEL:075-707-2503 |
FAX:075-707-2510 |
