YOUN Yeo-Chang (ソウル大学 韓国)
"Ownership and Management Status of Village Groves in Korea – the Case of Five Municipalities around the Jirisan Mountains"
LIU Jinlong (中国人民大学, IUFRO)
"Implication to China's forest policy of Diversified Traditional Forest Knowledge and Culture"
SHIN Joon Hwan (韓国林業研究院)
"Roles of Government in Restoring Traditional Village Grovess"
GU Hongyan (国連大学高等研究所 UNU-IAS)
"The Development of Ethnoecology in China and its Policy Implications for Forest Conservation"
宮内泰介 (北海道大学大学院文学研究科)
"Legitimacy and Environmental Governance: A Case Study of the Reed Bed of Kitakami River"
田中耕司 (京都大学次世代研究者育成センター)
"The Role of Non-Timber Useful Trees in Land-Use Management in Government-Controlled Forest Areas in Tropical Asia"
中村浩二 (金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター)
"Satoyama and Satoumi Initiatives for Conservation of Biodiversity and Reactivation of Rural Areas in Noto Peninsula"
阿部健一 (総合地球環境学研究所)
"Beyond Knowledge: Praxis in Sustainable Forest"
R. Michael MARTIN (国際連合食糧農業機関 (FAO) 森林局長)