平成20年度  第33回  地球研セミナー



日  時: 平成20年10月28日(火)16:00−17:30
場  所: 総合地球環境学研究所 講演室 アクセス
講  師: Prof. Bjorn E. Berglund, Department of Geology
/Quaternary Geology, GeoBiosphere Science Centre, Lund University Sweden
タイトル: Satoyama woodlands in Japan and outlands in Europe
- a historical perspective of traditional farming landscapes
言  語: 英  語
Announcement of RIHN Seminar
Date and Time: October 28 (Tuseday), 16:00-17:30
Place: Lecture hall, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature access
Speaker: Prof. Bjorn E. Berglund, Department of Geology
/Quaternary Geology, GeoBiosphere Science Centre, Lund University Sweden
The title: Satoyama woodlands in Japan and outlands in Europe
- a historical perspective of traditional farming landscapes
Language: English
  Traditional agricultural landscapes have developed through prehistoric and historic time independently in Japan and Northwestern Europe. However, land-use shows many similarities reflected in the landscape. Farming has been dependent on resources from marginal areas surrounding farm villages, which are named Satoyama woodlands in Japan and village outlands in Scandinavia. Similar land-use have been applied and the same products have been obtained in both regions. The major difference has been grazing by cattle and sheep in Scandinavia. Today these ecosystems are threatened because of afforestation and urbanization but education and recreation values have been realized recently.

[ Inquiry ]

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
zip code: 603-8047
457-4, Motoyama Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto City, Japan
TEL: +81-75-707-2303