平成20年度  第31回 地球研セミナー

  下記のとおり地球研セミナーを開催いたします。 今回は、スイスETHで長らく教鞭をとられた 大村纂(おおむら あつむ)先生をお招きし、 学際研究で歴史のあるETHの事例をお話いただきます。 皆さまどうぞご参加ください。

Speaker: Prof. Atsumu Ohumura
  ETH Zurich Institut f. Atmosphphre und Klima
Date and Time: 13:30-17:00, 24 March, 2008 (Monday)
Place: Lecture hall, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
The title: 25 Years' Experience of Research and Education at Faculty of
Environment, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
- How does an inter-disciplinary work?

  Environment science in recent years is conceived mainly to solve the problems we caused in our own environment. In this sense we were not driven in the first line to ponder a philosophical relationship between human beings and their environment in modern environmental science, unless such a consideration becomes necessary to solve the environment problems. Universities and research organizations took different measures to meet the urgent needs to remedy the altered environment. ETH Zurich in Switzerland decided to found a new faculty to establish the high education and research works on environment in 1987. Since then we have sent annually about 120 graduates to our society and to graduate schools. The environment specific methods of education were also developed. A number of environment related issues were also tackled in a scientific manner.
  In this course we learned that the interdisciplinary approach is more effective to solve many issued arising in our environment.
  Interdisciplinary approach is a legitimate research method in environment science, very much like in medicine. Experiences gathered during the first 20 years at ETH will be presented.



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