2007年10月30-31日 メルパルク京都
Opening Address
TACHIMOTO, Narifumi, Director-General of RIHN
Introduction to the symposium
YUMOTO, Takakazu, Chairperson of the organizing committee, RIHN
The Asian Green Belt and the origins and migrations of agricultural populations.
BELLWOOD, Peter(School of Archaeology and Anthropology, The AustralianNationalUniversity, Australia)
A role of Asian monsoon in Asian Green Belt
YASUNARI, Tetsuzo (Hydrospheric Atmospheric ResearchCenter, Nagoya University, Japan)
Forest plant species diversity of Far East related to human impacts
STUTEK, Miroslav(Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the CzechRepublic, The CzechRepublic)
Vegetational changes caused by human land use in Mongolia
FUJITA, Noboru(Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Japan)
Biodiversity of insects in different human-impacted forests in Japan
MAKINO, Shun’ich(National Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Products, Japan)
Biodiversity modified by human land use in tropical rain forests of Malaysia
ABDUL Rahman Kassim & NUR Supardi(Forest Research Institute of Malaysia)
Hunting knowledge in boreal forests in Far East
Characteristics of communities in forest uses in Korea
YOU, Yen-Chang(Department of Forest Sciences, Seoul NationalUniversity, Korea)
Forest policy and local practice in Thailand
YOS, Santasombat(Social Science Institute, Chieng-Mai University, Thailand)
Forest resource uses and indigenous knowledge of natives in Borneo
ICHIKAWA, Masahiro(RIHN, Japan)
Eco-politics and nature conservation in Mongolia
BATJARGAL , Zamba(The World Meteorological Organization, Mongolia)
Effects on reforestation in the temperate climate region
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiro (RIHN, Japan)
Ecological management of water circumstances in China
LIU, Changming (Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resource Management, China)
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