
Refereed Papers (2001-Aug. 2006)

  1. Honjo, M., Matsui, K., Ueki, M., Nakamura, R. Fuhrman, J. A. and Kawabata, Z. (2006) Diversity of virus-like agents killing Microcystis aeruginosa in a hyper-eutrophic pond. Journal of Plankton Research 28:407-412.
  2. Dudgeon, D., Arthington, A. H., Gessner, M.O., Kawabata, Z., Knowler, D. J., Leveque, C., Naiman, R. J., Prieur-Richard, A., Soto, D., Stiassny, M. J. and Sullivan, C. A. (2006) Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges. Biological Rewiews 81:163-182.
  3. Uchii, K., Matsui, K., Yonekura, R., Tani, K., Kenzaka, T., Nasu, M. and Kawabata, Z.(2006) Genetic and physiological characterization of the intestinal bacterial microbiota of bluegill (Lepomis machrochirus) with three different feeding habits. Microbial Ecology 51(3):277-284.
  4. Choi, K., Ueki, M., Imai, A., Kim, B. and Kawabata, Z. (2004) Photoalteration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) released from Microcystis aeruginosa. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 159(2):271-286.
  5. Narita, M., Matsui, K., Huang, C.-C., Kawabata, Z. and Endo, G. (2004) Dissemination of TnMERI1-like mercury resistance transposons among Bacillus isolated from worldwide environmental samples. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 48:47-55.
  6. Ueki, M., Matsui, K., Choi, K. and Kawabata, Z. (2004) The enhancement of conjugal plasmid pBHR1 transfer between bacteria in the presence of extracellular metabolic products produced by Microcystis aeruginosa. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 51:1-8.
  7. Matsui, K., Ishii, N., and Kawabata, Z. (2003) Release of extracellular transformable plasmid DNA from Esherichia coli by co-cultivated with algae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (4): 2399-2404.
  8. Nakano, S., Murabe, A., Tsujimura, S., Hayakawa, K., Nakajima, T., Kumagai, M., Jiao, C. and Kawabata, Z. (2003) Dominance of Microcystis with special reference to carbon availability in lake water. Microbes and Environments 18:38-42.
  9. Matsui, K., Ishii, N., and Kawabata, Z.(2003) Microbial interactions affecting the natural transformation of Bacillus subtilis in a model aquatic ecosystem. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 45:211-218.
  10. Nishibe, Y., Kawabata, Z., and Nakano, S. (2002) Grazing on Microcystis aeruginosa by the heterotrophic flagellate Collodictyon triciliatum in a hypertrophic pond. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 29:173-179.
  11. Manage, P. M., Kawabata, Z., Nakano, S. and Nishibe, Y. (2002) Effect of heterotrophic nanoflagellates on the loss of virus-like particles in pond water. Ecological Ressearch 17: 473-479.
  12. Nakano, S., Manage, P. M., Nishibe, Y. and Kawabata, Z. (2001) Trophic linkage among heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliates and metazoan zooplankton in a hypereutrophic pond. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 25:259-270.
  13. Matsui, K., Honjo, M., and Kawabata, Z. (2001) Estimation of the fate of dissolved DNA in thermally stratified lake water from the stability of exogenous plasmid DNA. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 26(1): 95-102.

  14. plus additional 25 papers

Book Chapters (2001-2005)

  1. 1)Kawabata, Z. (2004) What is Microbial Ecology, In: The Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology Education Working Group (Ed) Introduction to Microbial Ecology: Micro Biosphare Sustaining Global Environments. pp.1-7. Nikka Giren, Tokyo
  2. Kawabata, Z. and Matsui, K. (2003) Moving Genes in Water: Horizontal gene transfer among bacteria facilitating genetic diversification. In: Ohgushi, T. (Ed) Introduction to Biological Diversity Sciences. pp.136-157. Maruzen, Tokyo
  3. Kawabata, Z. (2003) Food web, Microcosm, Ecotron. In: Iwasa, Y., Matsumoto, T., Kikuzawa, K. and The Ecological Society of Japan (Eds) Encyclopedia of Ecology. pp.265-269, 521-523, 34-35. Kyoritsu Shuppan, Tokyo

  4. plus an additional 1 book chater

Technical Reports (2001-2005)

  1. Kawabata, Z. (2004) Analysis of horizontal gene transfer and gene expression mechanisms in aquatic ecosystem using aquatrons. JSPS Scientific Research, Basic Research A1 (13309009) (2001-2003). 185 pp.
  2. Kawabata, Z. (2002) Symbiotron for the experimental studies on biodiversity. In: Report of the MEXT Creative Basic Research 09NP1501, An Integrated Study on Biodiversity Conservation under Global Change and Bioinventory Management System. (FY 1997-2001) 37-45, DIVER

  3. plus additional 6 reports


    Ehime Publication and Culture Prize, 2000 (with coauthors) (2000)