Initiative-based FS

Life-worlds of Sustainable Food Consumption:
Agrifood Systems in Transition

Principal Investigator

Steven R. McGreevy


Region: Japan, North America, South East Asia, China, Australia

Photo 1

A farmers' market in Japan

How can we create ecologically and socially sustainable agrifood systems? Since we all eat, we are all stakeholders in the circumstances and outcomes of the systems that provide us with food. We argue that sustainable food consumption practices can act as a vehicle to elicit changes in the larger infrastructures of food provisioning, expanding the available range of sustainable food choices and transitioning regimes toward greater sustainability and resilience. This project aims to facilitate this transitional process and to co-design/co-produce more sustainable agrifood systems by realizing concrete collective-action, society-oriented outcomes together with various stakeholders, including food producers, distributors, retailers, government officials, citizen-consumers, and scientists.