第6回 ジャカルタ都市研究会
The 6th Jakarta Seminar

このたび、「メガシティが地球環境に及ぼすインパクト:そのメカニズム解明と未来可能性に向けた都市圏モデルの提案」プロジェクトでは、下記の通り、 第6回ジャカルタ都市研究会を実施いたします。


日  時: 2010年11月11日(木)14:00−16:00
会  場: 総合地球環境学研究所 セミナー室1・2 (アクセス)
題  目: Disparity Between Jakarta and Kyoto -The End of Public Spaces versus the Celebration of Public Spaces
講  師: エファワニ・エリサ氏(インドネシア大学工学部建築学科講師・地球研客員研究員)
コメンテーター: 鳴海邦碩氏(大阪大学名誉教授・関西大学先端科学技術推進機構客員教授)
主  催: 総合地球環境学研究所
(メガ都市プロジェクト 代表:村松伸)
□ Outline/発表要旨(当日は主に日本語による発表になります)

My presentation will interweave my own personal narrative and reflection during the academic journey observing Kyoto city during these two weeks. Within the framework of issue on sustainable development in megacities, I try to reconnect the observation finding with the case of Jakarta. Although there is a huge disparity between the two cities, by introducing some conditions of urban space in Jakarta, I will try to challenge the audience with the question: how to unveil the positive values on the current condition of Jakarta?

□ 講師紹介

Dr.Evawani Ellisa graduated from Department Architecture Gajah Mada University in 1986 and accomplished her doctoral study in 1999 from Osaka University. Her dissertation focused on urban transformation and livability of inner city areas in Indonesian big cities, with the case study of Medan, North Sumatra. In University of Indonesia, she teaches Architectural Design Studio and Urban Design while also becomes an advisor for under graduate and graduate student thesis.
She conducted many research and workshop on urban design, architecture, traditional environments and education matters. From 2000 until 2008, she was chief editor for KILAS Architectural Journal. In 2006 she was selected by JASSO Fellowship to undertake research on urban redevelopment in urban areas of Osaka, Japan. Recently she conducts some research projects on urban living heritage and contemporary public places in Jakarta. Her recent publications among others were:
1.    Kekuatan Sambungan (The Strength of Connection), National Geographic Indonesia, April 2006, Gramedia, Jakarta
2.    The Creation of Place in Surrounding Campus Site, Proceeding International Seminar on Urban Culture, Creative Culture and the Making of Place, Bandung Institute of Technology, 2006

3.    Urban Design Guide Line Kota Tua, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Permusiuman, DKI Jakarta, 2007 (co-author with Teguh Utomo)

松田浩子 | MATSUDA Hiroko
(総合地球環境学研究所 プロジェクト研究員)

TEL:075-707-2351 (直通) / 2353
甲山 治 | KOZAN Osamu