アイゼン教授 講演会

民族/国家の交錯と生業変化を軸とした環境史の解明−中央ユーラシア半乾燥域の変遷 (イリプロジェクト)」では、客員教授として1年間(4月から来年の3月まで)滞在中の アイダホ大学教授 Vladimir B. AIZEN 氏による講演会を下記のとおり開催いたします。皆様の ご参加をお待ちしております。

(English text is following after Japanese text.)
日  時: 2009年6月11日(木)13:30−15:30
場  所:

総合地球環境学研究所 講演室 (アクセス)

講演者: Vladimir B. AIZEN 氏  (アイダホ大学教授)
演  題: Is Central Asia exsiccating?
言  語: 英  語

総合地球環境学研究所  イリプロジェクト研究員
〒603-8047 京都市北区上賀茂本山457番地4
TEL:075-707-2398  FAX:075-707-2509
Ili Project Seminar

The seminar of Ili project will be held on 11th June.

Date: 11th June 2009, 13:30-15:30
Place: Lecture Hall, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (access)
Speaker: Prof. Vladimir B. Aizen (University of Idaho)
Title: Is Central Asia exsiccating ?
Language: English
Everyone is very welcome to attend.
Please let me know if you have some question.
The World’s largest central Asian closed drainage basin occupies an area equal the territory of Europe. Despite of very arid climate, deserts and prairies central Asian glaciers comprise approximately 10,000 km3 fresh water that is a vital source of life for more than 200 million of people living in this area. Seasonal snow cover in mountains also play very important role in the regional hydrology. Historically, water has been always an important subject of trade or even war between people living in central Asia fruitful oasis’s. Hydrology and hydrological engineering studies were known since the ancient Chorasmia Empire (7-6 BC). During the Kang-chu Kushang period (100-500 AD) central Asia had 35-38,000 km2 area of irrigated lands, 4 times larger than in present time (Muhamedjanov, 1999). However, since then the population of central Asia grows from 1.5 to over 200 million while the glacier recession accelerated, notably from the middle of 1970s. The intensive melt of glaciers may also destroy invaluable climatic and environmentalrecords stored in the glacier accumulation areas.
    Both, climate change and increasing water demand create serious social/economic and political problems in central Asian countries. It is unlikely that resolution of these problems will be possible without past and modern climate and water resources evaluation and simulation.
[ Inquiry ]
Chiyuki Narama

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
zip code: 603-8047
457-4, Motoyama Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto City, Japan
TEL: +81-75-707-2398
FAX: +81-75-707-2509