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"Adaptive Co-Management of Community Wastes for
Selected Communities in Silang-Sta. Rosa Subwatershed"


日  時: 2013年10月30日(水)12:15-13:15
場  所: 総合地球環境学研究所 セミナー室4 (矢印アクセス
題  目: Adaptive Co-Management of Community Wastes for Selected Communities in Silang-Sta. Rosa Subwatershed
発表者: Dr. Roberto Ranñla Jr.(フィリピン大学ロスバニョス校経済学部教授)
The RIHN–LakeHEAD Project launched the Yaman ng Lawa as a social experiment to get different stakeholders together using the adaptive co-management approach to take action for the sustainable development and use of the Lake resources. Adaptive collaborative management (ACM) places collaboration, coupled with the learning/adaptation at the center of its approach. The ACM is a 6–step process that includes problem assessment, designing of the strategy, monitoring of the outcomes, evaluation and adjustments of the approach given the results of the evaluation.
One of the ACM initiatives of the Yaman ng Lawa program is The “Yaman ng Lawa on Adaptive Community Waste Management (YNL–ACWM) in the Silang–Santa Rosa Sub–Watershed”. The objective of this initiative is to get the participation of the communities in planning and/or managing generated wastes in their respective localities. The six Barangays of Bucal and Pulong Bunga (upstream), Tartaria (midstream) in the Municipality of Silang, Sto. Tomas (upper downstream) in Binan and Gulod and Aplaya (lower downstream) in the Municipality of Cabuyao and City of Santa Rosa, respectively, in the province of Laguna were included as the community participatory action research sites. The first step of the process was completed with exploring communities’ participation in planning and/or managing generated wastes in their respective localities. This step of the process included the “Scenario Building” for Adaptive Community Waste Management wherein gender specific groups of participants representing various stakeholders within the communities were involved in focused group discussions and consultation meetings towards developing sequential plans and strategies to address problems on waste given their particular circumstances. The outputs were utilized for building scenarios or visioning exercises and plans of actions. Participants reflected on their current circumstances and were creative in their plan of action to address specific problems and issues on waste management. Very important in the entire ACM process was the element of communication between the research team and member participants in sharing information for collective action planning and decision–making.
Adaptive Collaborative Management, Yaman ng Lawa (Lake Resources), Adaptive Community Waste Management
鞍田 崇(総合地球環境学研究所特任准教授)

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