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“Pastoralism and Camel Herding in Sudan”


日  時: 2012年11月28日(水)12:15-13:15
場  所: 総合地球環境学研究所 セミナー室3・4 (矢印アクセス
タイトル: Pastoralism and Camel Herding in Sudan
講演者: Dr. Abdelaziz Karamalla Gaiballa(スーダン科学技術大学)
Sudan is a large country located in the north eastern part of Africa. It has almost more than 50% of its land under arid and semi arid environment. Livestock raising and rain-fed agriculture constitute the main livelihood activities. In Sudan Livestock raising is the main livelihood Practice in arid and semi arid lands, since rainfall is not enough for intensive agriculture. Animals are raised in an open grazing system and move free. This system is practiced widely in Africa and known as PASTORALISM. Mobility is required to make use of sporadic distribution of vegetation. Camel population in Sudan is estimated as 5 million heads, constituting the second highest world size of camel population. Pastoralism constitutes a mode of live and not only system of production.
Camel herding under open grazing system is more resilient if compared with the herding of other types of livestock. due to high adaptability and less demand on the resources. It is also less affected by country secede (country divided after long war) if compared with cattle.
The growing economic importance of camel either in form of selling milk or exporting live animals is an added value that motivates pastoralists to keep camel. It constitutes a turning point in the importance of camel herding as significant livelihood support.
