


【講 師】Prof. Armin gruen(スイス連邦工科大学・測地学写真測量研究所)
【演 題】Geoinformatics and its Challenge for Multi-temporal Spatial Understanding
【日 時】2004年10月8日(金)14:00−16:00
【場 所】地球研1階 大セミナー室

スイス連邦工科大学教授アーミングリューン先生は、同大学測地学写真測量研究所において、近接分野における写真測量やリモートセンシングといった多彩な空間スケールでの研究やさまざまな分野への応用といった観点から研究を進められており、ジオ インフォマティックスの世界的権威として知られております。また、これまで、国際 写真測量・リモートセンシング学会の第5技術部会長や同学会第二副会長などの要職を歴任され、現在はスイス写真測量・画像解析・リモーとセンシング学会(the Swiss Society for Photogrammetry, Image Analysis and Remote Sensing)会長を務められておられます。

You are cordially invited to the 14th RIHN Seminar. English is used in this seminar.

Date: October 8 (Fri), 2004
Time: From 14:00- 16:00
Venue: RIHN Seminar Room(ground floor)
Speaker: Prof. Armin Gruen, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Topic: "Geoinformatics and its Challenge for Multi-temporal Spatial Understandings"


Dr. Armin Gruen is since 1984 Professor and Head of the Chair of Photogrammetry at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry,
Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zuerich, Switzerland. He has organized and co-organized / co-chaired over fifteen international conferences and he has served as a consultant to various government agencies, system manufacturers and engineering firms in Germany, Switzerland, USA and other countries.
He served as the President of ISPRS Commission V (ISPRS...International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing),as ISPRS Council Member (Vice President) and Council Member of IUSM (International Union of Surveys and Mapping), Chairman of the ISPRS Financial Commission and is currently Chairman of ISAC (International Scientific Advisory Committee). His main current research interests include: Automated object detection and reconstruction with digital photogrammetric and videogrammetric techniques, building and line feature extraction, image matching, industrial quality control using vision techniques, motion capture and face reconstruction for animation, imaging techniques for generation and control of VRs and VEs, PTV-based flow measurement, 3-D cloud mapping and tracking, 3-D city modeling.
大学共同利用機関法人 人間文化研究機構
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