Project Research Products

Items are arranged in the chlonogical order with the newest at the top of the list.

Research Reports
  • Interactions between the environmental quality of a watershed and the environmental consciousness: With reference to environmental changes caused by the human use of land and water resources. Interim report of project 5-2, March 2006, pp.139.
  • Wakamatsu, T., Kinohira, E., Junko, S., Yoshioka, T., 2006, Geographical distribution of dissolved inorganic phosphate concentration of streamwaters in Japan and the factors controlling the concentration), Environmental Science Research Laboratory Rep. No. V05034, pp.13.
  • Nilon, C. et al. 2006. Working group 4: Interacting human and natural systems. Proceedings of the 11th Japan-US Workshop on Global Change "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Dynamic Human-Nature Interaction", October 31-November 2, Yokohama, Japan, p.63-70.
  • Yoshioka, T. 2006. Interaction between environmental quality of the watershed and environmental consciousness: a methodological consideration. Proceedings of the 11th Japan-US Workshop on Global Change "Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function, and Dynamic Human-Nature Interaction", October 31-November 2, Yokohama, Japan, p.177.
  • Katsuyama, M., and Yoshioka, T. (Eds.) Research Institute for Humanity and Nature 5-2 IDEA Project Research Report No.1 Simulation Models of Watershed Biogeochemistry. 73p. ISBN-4-902325-07-1 [In Japanese].
  • Katsuyama, M., and Yoshioka, T. (Eds.) Research Institute for Humanity and Nature 5-2 IDEA Project Research Report No.1 Simulation Models of Watershed Biogeochemistry. 73p. ISBN-4-902325-07-1 [In Japanese]. View the contents list!
  • Shibata, H., Kuboi, T., Konohira, E., Satoh, F. and Sasa, K. 2005. Retention processes of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition in a forest watershed in northern Japan. In 'Proceedings of the 3rd international nitrogen conference (Zhu, Z., Minami, K. and Xing, G. Eds.)', Science Press USA Inc., 626-630, Beijing.
  • Konohira E., Shindo J. and Yoshioka T. 2005. Stream water chemistry in Japan., Nagoya University the 21st century COE program "Dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Life interactive system" editorial board (Ed.), Nagoya University the 21st century COE program "Dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Life interactive system" Annual report 2004, pp.281-290
  • Konohira E., Shindo J. and Yoshioka T. 2005. Stream water chemistry in Japan. In:Nagoya University the 21st century COE program "Dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Life interactive system" editorial board (Ed.), Nagoya University the 21st century COE program "Dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Life interactive system" Annual Report 2004. pp281-290
  • Okazaki, A. 2005. Overseas Investigation Report. Research in Social Management No. 4. The Association of Social Management. pp.45-57, The Association of Social Management [In Japanese].
  • Fujihira, K. 2004. The Systematization of Environmental Education in Corporations Based on a Theory of System Control, Environment-Conscious Management and Mode of Corporate-Communications, pp.130-144 [In Japanese].
  • Zheng Y. Eds 2003. Research on the National Character of Chinese and Japanese-A Sampling Survey in Beijing, China. ISM Research Report No. 89, 263pp, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics [In Japanese].
  • Zheng Y. Eds 2003. Research on the National Character of Chinese and Japanese (2)-A Sampling Survey in Shanghai, China. ISM Research Report No.90, 247pp, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics [In Japanese].
  • Zheng Y. Eds 2002. Researches on the Bias Issues of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)-A Survey on Environmental Value of the Surface Forest Park in the Reclaimed Land of Tokyo Gulf-. ISM Research Report No.88, 104 pp, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics [In Japanese].
  • Yohioka, T., Tateno, R., Yoh, M. 2006. Prospects of simulation models in watershed studies. Usability and difficulties in simulation models on watershed biogeochemistry. Japanese Journal of Limnology. [in Japanese with English abstract]
  • Shibata, H., Ohte, N., Sato, F. 2006. Usability and difficulties in simulation models on watershed biogeochemistry. 67:235-244. [in Japanese with English abstract]
  • Hobara Satoru, Koba Keisuke , Osono Takashi , Tokuchi Naoko, Ishida Akira and Kameda Kayoko. 2005. Nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment and balance in forests colonized by cormorants: Implications of the influence of soil adsorption. Plant and Soil. 268(1):89-101
  • Sekino, T. and T. Yoshioka. 2005. Diagrammatic representation of environmental monitoring data. Korean Journal of Limnology, 38:76-83.
  • Shindo, J., Konohira, E., Yoshioka, T., Okamoto, K. 2005. Nationwide estimation of nitrogen load and nitrogen concentration in natural stream water. Environmental Science. 18:455-463 [in Japanese with English abstract]
  • M. Ito, N. Ohte, M. Katsuyama, K. Koba, M., Kawasaki, and M. Tani. 2005. Temporal and spatial variability of Methane flux in a temperate forest watershed. Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources 18(3): 244-256 [in Japanese].
  • Ogawa, A., Shibata, H., Suzuki, K., Mitchell, M.J., and Ikegami, Y. 2006. Relationship of topography to surface water chemistry with particular focus on nitrogen and organic carbon solutes within a forested watershed in Hokkaido, Japan. Hydrological Processes 20:251-265
  • Yoshida, T., Iga, Y., Ozawa, M., Noguchi, M. and Shibata, H. 2005. Factors influencing early vegetation establishment following a soil-scarification in a mixed forest of northern Japan. Can. J. For. Res.
  • Osada, N., Tateno, R., Hyodo, F. and Takeda, H. 2004“ Changes in crown architecture with tree height in two deciduous tree species: developmental constraints or plastic response to the competition for light? Forest Ecology and Management 188:337-347 [In Japanese].
  • Y. Nakajima, H. Shimizu, N. O. Ogawa, T. Sakamoto, H. Okada, K. Koba, H. Kitazato and N. Ohkouchi Vertical distributions of stable isotopic compositions and bacteriochlorophyll homologues in suspended particulate matter in saline meromictic Lake Abashiri Limnology 5(3): 185-189 (2004)
  • Tateno, R, Hishi, T. and Takeda, H. 2004. Above- and belowground biomass and net primary production in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in relation to topographical changes in soil nitrogen. Forest Ecology and Management 193:297-306.
  • Fujimaki, R., Tateno, R., Hirobe, M., Tokuchi, N. and Takeda, H.2004. Fine root mass in relation to soil N supply in a cool temperate forest. Ecological Research 19:559-562.
  • Hishi, T., Hirobe, M., Tateno, R. and Takeda, H. 2004. Spatial and temporal patterns of water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC) of surface mineral soil in a cool temperate forest ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36:1731-1737.
  • Osada, N., Tateno, R.., Mori, A. and Takeda, H.2004. Changes in crown development patterns and current-year shoot structure with light environment and tree height in Fagus crenata (Fagaceae). American Journal of Botany 91:1981-1989
  • Fujihira, K. 2004. The Systematization of Environmental Education by Applying a Theory of System Control, Environmental Education, 13(2), pp.63-70 [In Japanese].
  • Fujihira, K. 2004. A Methodology for Conducting Environmental Education in Corporations by Applying System Control Engineering, Corporate Communication Studies, 8, pp.46-56 [In Japanese].
  • Shibata, H., O. Sugawara, H. Toyoshima, S. M. Wondzell, F. Nakamura, T. Kasahara, F. J. Swanson and K. Sasa. 2004. Nitrogen dynamics in the hyporheic zone of a forested stream during a small storm, Hokkaido, Japan. Biogeochemistry 69(1): 83-104.
  • Zheng Y. 2004. A Vision for International Comparative Survey Research. In
    Kwansei Gakuin University (ed.) Proceedings of the Use of Cross-National
    Comparative Surveys, pp.123-138.
  • Zheng Y. and Yoshino R. 2003. Diversity patterns of attitudes toward nature and environment in Japan, USA, and European nations. Behaviormetrika Vol. 30(1): 21-37.
  • Zheng Y. 2003. Nonsampling Errors from Measurement Instruments in the Environmental Valuation Survey -On Payment Vehicle Biases in the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)-. The Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics, 30(1), 135-148 [In Japanese].
  • Kuboyama H., Zheng Y., and Oka H. 2003. Study about Damage Probabilities on Major Forest Climatic Risks According to Age-classes. Journal of Japanese Forest Soceity, 85(3), 191-198 [In Japanese].
  • Guo Z., Xiao X., Gan Y., and Zheng Y. 2003. Landscape Planning for A Rural Ecosystem: Case Study of A Resettlement Area for Residents from Land Submerged by the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Landscape Ecology, Vol.18: 503-512.
  • Koba, K., M. Hirobe, L. Koyama, A. Kohzu, N. Tokuchi, K. J. Nadelhoffer, E. Wada and H. Takeda. 2003. Natural abundance of 15 N in plants and soils of a temperate coniferous forest. Ecosystems 6 (5): 457-469
  • Yoshioka, T. 2003 Watershed studies on the effects of global environmental changes. Japanese Jouranl of Limnology, 64:203-207 [in Japanese]
  • Saito, T., K. Koba, T. Sakai, K. Kameda and T. Yoshioka. 2002 Evaluation of model plans for a wildlife issue by conjoint analysis: the case study of wildlife issue of great cormorant in Lake Biwa. The Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies, 2:79-90 [in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka T. 2002 Contribution of natural science to the valuation of the environment: consideration for uniting natural science, humanities and sociology on the environmental studies. Kagaku, 72:940-948 [in Japanese]
  • Yoh, M., T. Yoshioka and others 2003 Biogeochemistry in watersheds: implications and perspectives. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 64:49-79 [in Japanese]
  • Zheng Y. 2002. Study on Distribution of Land Use/Land Cover Based on Analysis of NOAA/AVHRR Data. Journal of Japan Applied Statistics, 32(1), 1-14 [In Japanese].
  • Zheng Y., Xiao X., Guo Z., and Howard E. T. 2001. A County-level Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Forest Resources in China. Journal of Forest Planning Vol. 7 (2): 69-78.
  • Guo Z., Xiao X., and Zheng Y. 2001. Ecosystem functions, Services and Their Values -A Case Study in Xingshan County of China. Ecological Economics Vol.38:141-154.
  • Yoshioka, T. 2000 Response of land-water system to global environmental change - importance of watershed study -. Japanese Journal of Limnology 61:95-100 [in Japanese]
Conference Presentations
  • Yoshioka, T. 2006. RIHN Research Project Presentation. December 2006 at Kyoto Terrsa.[In Japanese] view the presentation slides!view the handout!
  • Yoshioka. T. 2006. Comments on session 2 "Human-Water Interaction" in RIHN 1st International Symposium "Water and Better Human Life in the Future", Kyoto International Conference Hall Annex Hall, November, 2006.?view the presentation slides!
  • Matsukawa, T., Yoshioka, T. 2006. Effect of childhood nature experience on environmental cocerns about watershed. RIHN 1st International Symposium "Water and Better Human Life in the Future", Kyoto International Conference Hall Annex Hall, November, 2006.
  • Ogawa, A. Development of data management system to control the data for loosely-coupled simulation models. RIHN 1st International Symposium "Water and Better Human Life in the Future", Kyoto International Conference Hall Annex Hall, November, 2006.
  • Katsuyama, M., Fukushima, K. and Tokuchi, N.: Influence of Geology on Water Yielding Function in Forest Catchments, RIHN 1st International Symposium "Water and Better Human Life in the Future", Kyoto International Conference Hall Annex Hall, November, 2006.
  • Takahito Yoshioka, Interim Report 5-2 IDEA Project . 6th RIHN Interrim Evaluation Committee. March 2, 2006. Kyoto, Japan - View the presentation slides!
  • Takahito Yoshioka, Narrative Theory of Environment. 10th RIHN Public Seminar. February 3, 2006. Kyoto, Japan [in Japanese] - View the presentation slides!
  • Ryunosuke Tateno, Keitaro Fukushima, Tetsuya Shimamura, Reiji Fujimaki, Masami Ohgi, Nobuhito Ohte and Naoko Tokuchi. Carbon and nitrogen accumulation patterns in above- and below-ground plant parts, forest floor and soils in Cryptomeria japonica plantations chronosequence. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan,Vol. ESJ52 (2005) pp.281- [in Japanese]
  • Toshie Nomura, Tatsuichiro Kawano, Naoko Sasaki, Hikaru Takahara, Hideaki Shibata, Shigeru Uemura, Hiroyuki Kitagawa and Takahito Yoshioka. (2005) Dynamics of Spruce-Ash mosaic forests in the Dorokawa bog, Uryu Experimental forest of Hokkaido University based on pollen and phytolith records. Abstracts of the 52 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, 507.
  • Tatsuichiro Kawano, Toshie Nomura, Naoko Sasaki, Hikaru Takahara, Hideaki Shibata, Shigeru Uemura, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Takahito Yoshioka. (2004) Picea glehnii invasion of dwarf bamboo thickets on Dorokawa bog, northern Hokkaido - infered from opal phytolith and pollen records. Abstracts of the 51 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, 611.
  • T. Kawano, T. Nomura, N. Sasaki, H. Takahara, H. Shibata, S. Uemura, T. Yoshioka. (2004) Picea glehnii invasion of dwarf bamboo thickets on Dorokawa bog, northern Hokkaido - infered from opal phytolith and pollen records. Abstracts of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Historical Botany, 33.
  • Yoshioka, T. 2004 Studies on the response of terrestrial ecosystems to global environmental changes. The 12th special seminar on the environmental sciences and 21th century COE, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime, 27 February [in Japanese]
  • Sekino, T. and Yoshioka, T. 2004. Toward applying monitoring data to interdisciplinary studies - an example in a RIHN research project. The First Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Limnology, Pusan National University.
  • Sekino, T. and Yoshioka T. . 2004. Diagrammatic arrangement method for presenting monitoring data. The First Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Limnology, 19-22 May, Busan, Korea.
  • Konohira, E., J. Shindo and T. Yoshioka 2004 Introduction to the survey on the water chemistry in Japanese streams ?Cooperation between JaLTER and other observations-, The 115th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Forestry, April [in Japanese]
  • Sekino, T., T. Yoshioka, T, K. Koba, T. Tanaka, and T. Furukawa. 2003. Monitoring data arrangement method in interdisciplinary studies. The 68th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Limnology, Okayama University of Science.[in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka, T. 2003 Relationship between environmental qualities and people's environmental consciousness. Joint workshop between Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Kyoto, 11 October [in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka, T. 2003 Cascade of material cyclings in the forest-river-lake ecosystem. Symposium on the riparian and river linkages: Opportunities for restoring aquatic ecosystem health at the Ecology and Civil Engineer Society, Kyushu International University, Kitakyusyu, Fukuoka, 4 October [in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka, T. 2002 Watershed research projects in Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. Global Environment Forum 21, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Aichi, 29 March [in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka, T. 2001 Biogeochemistry in the watershed: Cascade of material cyclings in the terrestrial ecosystem. The 66th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Limnology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, 6 October [in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka, T. 2001 Interaction between environmental quality of the watershed and environmental consciousness. International Symposium on Field Science, Managing Technique for the Fields and International Study Network, Sapporo, October 24. Hosted by Forest Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University.
  • Yoshioka, T. 2003 Humane environmentology.In: Y. Iwasa, T. Matsumoto, K. Kikuzawa and Japanese Society of Ecology (eds) Encyclopedia of Ecology, Kyoritsu, p.280 [in Japanese]
Public Lectures
  • Yoshioka T. 2002 Environmental consciousness: Value judgment in the day-to-day life. Introduction to the residents in Kasuga school district, RIHN, Kyoto, 10 July [in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka T. 2002 November, 2002 Familiar environments and alienated environments. Symposium on the environments in Seiro-cho, Seiro-cho, Niigata, 10 November [in Japanese]
  • Yoshioka T. 2003 Familiar environments and alienated environments. Symposium on the environments in Kamisato-cho, Kamisato-cho, Saitama, 16 February [in Japanese]
Unpublished Theses
  • Furukawa, T. 2004. An attempt to develop interface between environment experts and ordinary people. Bachelor's thesis. Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. [in Japanese]
  • Ogawa, A. 2003. Spatial Variability of streamwater chemistry in a forested watershed, Hokkaido, Japan. Master's thesis. College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY.




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