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The RIHN ecohealth Seminar No.32


TitleF@Chinese influence in Laos: Reflections from agriculture and forestry research
u‰‰ŽาFNathan BadenochA‹ž“s‘ๅŠwE“Œ“์ƒAƒWƒAŒค‹†ŠE“ม”Cy‹ณŽ๖
           Chinese influence in Laos: Reflections from agriculture and forestry research

Abstract: Chinese influence in Southeast Asia is increasing rapidly, and is felt in most all sectors of society. In Laos, Chinese investment has taken on new importance in the socio-economic development of the country. " Finally, an effective driver of economic development has arrived", say some. Others fear that this is the beginning of the end for Laos' economic sovereignty, and maybe worse. Reality of course is complex and ambiguous, but provides insights into the future of development cooperation in the region and beyond. This talk will introduce some perspectives on how Chinese influence is evolving in Laos, and discusses how the influence is being met by the wide range of actors involved in the agriculture and forestry sector.